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Caught Between Heaven & Earth
My profound encounters with God, and the remarkable truth of our existence.
My amazing true story brings you along on my journey just as it unfolded to
me. In 2013, I had a series of spiritually transformative experiences (STEs) that
started with me yelling at a God in whom I didn’t really believe. To my utter
amazement, God responded. He drew me closer from there, revealing directly
to me truths about suffering, our souls, and our true identity. The messages I
received are full of hope and love for all humanity.
It is not my aim to convert or convince you of the reality of my experiences. I
believe everyone is on his or her individual path, and that all paths ultimately
converge at the pinnacle of truth, which is God, Spirit, Source or whatever name
one chooses to give the Divine power that infiltrates all existence. My goal is
simply to share my testimony of the miraculous events that transformed me
from agnostic to believer.
As my journey unfolds, you’ll find my encounters became progressively more
profound. The very last one changed me forever. If my words in Caught Between
Heaven & Earth happen to impact your journey, that is God illuminating
your path. I am merely one of many instruments God is using to expedite the
spiritual evolution of mankind.
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“Riveting and engaging!”
Cardiologist Pim van Lommel, M.D. and Kenneth Ring, M.D. recommend ‘Caught Between Heaven & Earth’ to researchers and general audiences.
Click here to read these reviews and new entries by verified book purchasers!
IANDS Video on Demand from the 2022 Conference
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From the Blog
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OM Decoded: Teachings on Oscillation Harmonics
March 31, 2023
Math is not my bag. Nor is physics. That’s why I find it so surprising that spirit is reaching out to teach me about Oscillation Harmonics and how the principle of such relates to God, and how it will be used in the future (and is in fact already being used “out there” in the universe(s)). Whoa I hear you say, as you are likely just as surprised that I am being so-called taught by spirit. If that’s not your bag, then simply attribute these musings to my dreams. I will however, add the caveat that my mind is too simple to dream these things up.
I “accidentally” ran into the concept of Oscillation Harmonics while writing an essay for a contest held last year by BICS (the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies). My essay didn’t get much attention because, I believe, much of it was theory rather than proof of an afterlife, which was the purpose of the contest. However, the twists and turns my essay took were no coincidence. My lessons on oscillation harmonics had begun.
In one essay section I addressed the “OM” sound heard by many near-death experiencers when they entered the all-encompassing light, one of the most shared commonalities of NDEs Two notable near-death experiencers who write about this are Dr. Eben Alexander and Dr. Rajiv Parti. Some call this light and its accompanying sound consciousness, others call it God.
I endeavored to find out just how this sound is created. One thing led to another, and I found myself absorbed in the principles of Oscillation Harmonics. Again, I’m no science whiz, so I find the easiest explanation to digest is found in the workings of a synthesizer:

Jeff Olsen’s NDE Still Creating Ripples
April 15, 2020
Yesterday during meditation, I asked for direction on reaching people who would benefit from hearing Jeffery Olsen’s story and speaking with him during the next IANDS Visiting Author’s Online Book Club session (I am the host). Like usual, I didn’t think about my request again. Then, this morning on my usual walk I came across a sign posted in a neighbor’s yard with a picture of a boy five or six years old grinning from ear to ear wearing a graduation cap and gown. The sign said, “Congratulations Nicholas!” I rolled my eyes and thought “Oh, brother.”
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Copyright © 2019. Nancy van Alphen