Passing Away or Passing Through?
Let the evidence show that we never truly die.

We are living in a new era in which evidence of who we truly are is coming into focus. We are not simply material beings living in a material world. Yes we are that, but also much more. At the core we are eternal, spiritual beings connected as one in singular consciousness. Not only is the evidence staring us in the face, but what we now know about consciousness is that the truth is accessible to everyone first-hand. Let the evidence show that rather than passing away into oblivion, we are simply passing through this human experience while on a much more incredible journey of which we can only imagine.
How will you choose to see life and death?
Local & Non-Local Consciousness
The Debate
There is a deep divide in science today over the most fundamental nature of human existence—consciousness, that which makes us sentient beings and drives the richness of human experience. Termed the phenomenal aspect of consciousness is that part of us beyond simple self-awareness that experiences quality, for example what it is like to see color, hear music, feel pain, be happy, or recall memories. Termed qualia, they are the experiences that make us unique, absent environmental factors. A baby might giggle and coo at polka dots but remain unphased by straight lines. I might prefer red, while another prefers blue, for no reason at all.
The traditional scientific materialist paradigm contends that matter is the foundation of everything that exists. Consciousness they contend, is an illusion of the brain local to the individual. When the body dies, so too does consciousness. However, evidence has yet to be produced showing how or where consciousness is produced in the brain. Australian philosopher David Chalmers dubbed this the hard problem of consciousness. Though much has been done to map the brain, five years later in 2020 Chalmers echoes his original sentiment We still don’t understand how it happens (3).”
Proponents of a new consciousness paradigm point to undeniable evidence that consciousness exists outside the body. It is a non-local, singular, creative force that is foundational to all existence and of which humans are an inseparable part. This changes everything we know about human identity and has the power to transform our world. Death is not an end. We are simply passing through on a much grander journey.
Up until the twenty-first century consciousness was only a consideration of philosophers. Descartes in the seventeenth century was first to suggest it played a central role in human identity. Later poet-philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson led transcendentalism suggesting man and nature are connected and we control our destiny. The evidence will show how very right he was.
“The only person you are destined to become, is the person you decide to be. (4)”
Rather than wait for traditional science to shake the dust of matter off its shoes, a small but determined group of scientists have given birth to a new organization, The Academy for the Advancement of Post-Materialist Sciences (AAPS) (5). Founded in 2017 by eleven internationally known and highly-credentialed scientists working in a variety of disciplines (biology, neuroscience, psychology, medicine, psychiatry), the organization has gathered over three-hundred signatures of scientists worldwide who support its meticulously crafted manifesto (5).
The AAPS is dedicated to furthering study of quantum mechanics; psychology of mental activity that leads to behavioral and biological changes; ‘psi’ phenomena, or the ability to mentally influence objects or others from a distance; near-death experience; mediumship, or communication with deceased persons or spirits. The manifesto harkens back to humanity’s growing fear of death and the importance of disseminating information to the public: “The shift from materialist science to post-materialist science may be of vital importance to the evolution of the human civilization (5).”
The work of these scientist-pioneers cannot be undervalued. Some arrived here via a purely scientific road, others by way of spiritual experience, and for some, both. Unfortunately, most who support the new paradigm open themselves to ridicule, putting friendships, family, and careers on the line. The struggle is real, and it says much about the character of those willing to accept the new and surprising field of study in which they find themselves. In a court of law, those testifying to the detriment of themselves are seen as the most trustworthy because they have nothing to gain, but much to lose. Many of these scientists will be mentioned throughout this writing, but there is a growing number of professionals joining these scientist-pioneers on the frontlines of the new science that is cutting a path to humanity’s future. They all deserve gratitude for seeking truth and going where most of their colleagues fear to tread—the realm of the metaphysical.
Modern Spirituality
Spirituality has evolved greatly as well. Today’s serious researchers and students of all things spiritual look to data-driven and evidential proof to inform their understanding of humanity from pre-cradle to post-grave. At the frontlines are those studying near-death experience (NDE), and event of temporary death that gives the experiencer a glimpse of what lies beyond bodily death. It is estimated that 1-in-10 people worldwide have had a near-death experience an (6). Many more have had spiritually-transformative experiences, and they are waking up the rest of the world as to what truly lies beyond death.
Researchers include credentialed neuroscientists, biologists, professors, psychologists, and more. Universities are now housing metaphysical departments. The University of Virginia is well known for its Division of Perceptual Studies. Princeton University’s Department of Philosophy has a dedicated metaphysical staff (7), as does the University of Arizona (8). Many others offer courses in metaphysical topics, including Yale University (9).
Additionally, there are many dedicated independent colleges and organizations of metaphysical studies (10), including the highly-respected Monroe Institute (11).
Online organizations are growing and include the International Association of Near-Death Studies (6), the oldest to study NDE and approaching its fortieth anniversary; Near-Death Experience Research Foundation (12) operated by long-time researcher Jeff Long and his wife, attorney Jody Long; Spiritual Awakenings International (SAI) (13), founded by near-death experiencer Dr. Yvonne Kason; and the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies (BICS) (14), founded by long-time metaphysical researcher and aerospace engineer, Robert Bigelow.
Breaking Down Matter
Because we perceive matter to be real, breaking it down and building it up again is the first step in showing that consciousness exists outside the body, and it is our own thoughts that give rise to matter.
The break in science started with smashing an atom. The internal structure proved to contain nothing more than energy prints of radiation, neutrons, photons, and other subatomic particles. It became clear that energy makes up matter. Nothing therefore is truly solid—your desk, your coffee cup, a tree, the earth itself, or your body. Everything is energy vibrating at such spectacular rates it only seems to be solid.
Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D. is a Harvard educated brain scientist whose massive stroke revealed this truth in another way. With only the left half hemisphere of her brain operational her visual mechanics allowed her to literally see the composition of matter and how it blended into one connected whole, and by contrast how patterns within the whole formed individuated parts, much like Impressionist art where dots of paint create a picture (15). In her New York Times bestseller My Stroke of Insight Taylor says:
“Clearly, we are each trillions upon trillions of particles in soft vibration…. Different entities are composed of different densities of molecules but ultimately every pixel is made up of electrons, protons, and neutrons performing a delicate dance (15).
Dr. Leo Galland in his book Already Here (16) describes a similar vision anomaly his special needs deceased son Christopher exhibited while alive. Christopher had an unusually fractured vision that Dr. Galland felt made Christopher see the world similar to Cubism, an art style that depicts the world as skewed and angular. Dr. Galland intuited that this enabled Christopher to see people from different angles and detect their innermost emotions even when deeply hidden. When Christopher communicated with his father from the other side, he said one of his goals in coming to Earth was to get others to confront their emotions (16).
This seems to be a quality of some savants as well. It would be exceptional to study such vision in relation to existence and relationship to others.
After smashing the atom, things got even stranger in the quantum world with the discovery that observation alone affected experimentation. When a wave of energy is shot through a double slit, it remained energy. When someone was watching the experiment however, the energy wave miraculously turned into a particle. A July 2020, ScienceABC article sums up the observer effect:
“When a quantum ‘observer’ is watching, Quantum Mechanics states that particles can also behave as waves. This can be true for electrons at the sub-micron level, i.e., at distances measuring less than one micron, or one-thousandth of a millimeter. When behaving as waves, electrons can simultaneously pass through several openings in a barrier and then meet again on the other side. This meeting is known as interference. Now, the most absurd thing about this phenomena is that it can only occur when no one is observing it. Once an observer begins to watch the particles going through the opening, the obtained image changes dramatically: if a particle can be seen going through one opening, it is clear that it did not go through another opening. In other words, when under observation, electrons are more or less being forced to behave like particles instead of waves. Thus, the mere act of observation affects the experimental findings (17).
The observer effect provided the first concrete, scientific proof that human consciousness plays a role in the creation of matter. The astounding notion that energy and thought are ubiquitous left materialist science in a quandary. Chopra and Kafatos (18) highlight the crossroads at which physics finds itself:
“Right now, outside public view, there is a ‘battle for the heart and soul of physics’ going on, to borrow a phrase from the prominent journal ‘Nature.’ Two highly respected physicists, George Ellis and Joe Silk, wrote an article in 2014 that raises alarms over just this problem of pure thinking replacing data and facts. Can pure thinking be called science, which for five hundred years has pursued the truth through measurements and experiments? Once you get down to nothingness, the zero point of the universe, the possibility of doing experiments comes to an end (18).”
Chopra and Kafatos (2017) explain that experimentation will come to an end because everything is subjective. It is consciousness that is having experience. Pure thinking is that which drives creation, even in its smallest measure, which is observation.
While skeptics have decried the observer effect as misrepresented by the exploitative media, further experiments in quantum physics support the original findings. Recently, it was discovered that the amount of consciousness exhibited by an observer affects interference of the wave-particle conversion. Simply put, the less aware the observer, the weaker the change from wave to particle (17).
In 2020 quantum researchers also proved fluctuations of large particles of matter could move an object as big as a 40-kilogram (80 pound) mirror. The movement pushed the mirrors a measurable amount as predicted theoretically. This is important in establishing that quantum level activity holds true for larger objects, including everything from pencils, to mirrors, to planets, to solar systems (20).
While materialist science pushed back on quantum mechanics, saying it did not apply to the universe of larger objects, the new science was showing otherwise. Chopra and Kafatos pointed out that mind is the most rational explanation for creation and that humans create their worlds (18)
“The universe is what we want it to show us…The picture that emerges isn’t a cosmos full of ‘stuff’ but a cosmos full of possibilities mysteriously turning into ‘stuff…’(18)”
Building Up Matter
Consciousness is said to be creative, though I prefer generative when referring to primordial consciousness. There is a need to distinguish between the two. Humans create, but only with the raw materials generated by primordial consciousness: light, frequency, sound, and vibration.
The root word “gen” casts a wide net over the characteristics of primordial consciousness, especially as regarding traits passed down to its individuated aspects (humans):
Generable – that which can be generated
Generative – that which brings into being
Generational – producing offspring (progeny) with original traits passed down infinitely
Genesis – the origin of coming into being
Genuine – pure
Genomic – carried in full within the genetic material of an organism
Mereon Matrix
In an extraordinary NDE that gained the attention of mathematicians around the world Lynnclaire Dennis observed how a very specific pattern of movement/frequency became vibration that produced light, referred to as the Mereon Matrix (20). During her NDE she had a life review in which she remembered her mission to bring knowledge of this pattern to the world:
“Hearing sublime music and watching geometry tie a rainbow into a pattern that I knew as love, actually gave me a reason to live… For the last thirty years I’ve worked with a team of scientists whose only goal was to disprove that it (the pattern) had anything to do with living, dying, science, or spirituality… After years of investigation, we used the pattern’s inaudible frequencies to vibrate a few drops of water, and experts who said nothing would happen were stunned when a sphere of blue light appeared, spun rings and blossomed into the matrix. We repeated the experiment, but this time used the sounds of the heart and brain and the same pattern appeared in both. Research showed how this pattern connects everything….(21)”
This highlights the first step in the creation of matter, from movement to light.
Einstein proved the relationship of light to matter. In his famous equation E=MC2 he showed that energy units (e) are equal to the speed of light (c) multiplied by itself (squared2), then multiplied by mass (m) measured in grams (22). Central to this equation is the fact that the speed of light is constant at just short of 300,000 kilometers per second when measured in a vacuum (23) meaning when it is unencumbered and traveling in a straight line. This is a bit unnerving considering Einstein’s broader theory of relativity which asserts that nothing can be measured unless in relationship to something else.
E=MC2 is evidenced in the coming together (fusion) and pulling apart (fission) of (22). Sadly, humans used the equation to create atomic bombs. Hiroshima and Nagasaki will forever live as horrific testaments to this. The scientific jury is still out however, on whether Einstein’s equation works in reverse. This seems illogical because all other math equations work conversely. The reasoning is that because light particles (bosons) can occupy two places at once unlike other particles that make up most matter (fermions), that light cannot possibly form matter (24).
Evidence to the contrary has emerged, however. In 2013 a team of Harvard and MIT scientists succeeded in producing matter from light. Using a binding process that clumped together photons, they fired the packet into a cloud of atoms that had been cooled to nearly zero and brought to almost a complete stand-still. The photons interacted with the frozen atoms as if they were interacting with matter, and when the resultant combination slowed and cooled, it had turned into matter (25).
Some might argue that an atom is matter, but that is a gray area. Atoms are objects composed of energy. “Object” is the correct terminology because it refers to something that has parameters. The energy of the atom holds itself together, giving it distinct parameters. But it is still all energy. A brief high school refresher reminds us atoms are composed of subatomic particles of energy of which positively-charged protons and neutral neutrons make up the nucleus around which a cloud of negatively-charged electrons bind themselves.
In September 2020, scientists proved again that light can be converted to matter and that Einstein’s theory does indeed work in reverse. This time the process was more direct. Using the Large Hadron Collider, for the first time ever photons in the form of electromagnetic waves (light!) were smashed into each other. This produced W bosons, particles of matter responsible for decay and considered the “weak force” of matter (26). The experiment evidenced matter and light as one-in-the-same—just as water is steam, and steam is water. The researchers commented:
“Energy and matter are two sides of the same coin. It also confirms that at high enough energies, forces that seem separate in our everyday lives—electromagnetism and the weak force—are united (26).”
We now have evidenced energy/consciousness through movement creates a specific pattern that creates light. Let us step back a moment and examine what that first movement might be.
Consciousness Oscillation
Frequency is generally considered to be the rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time. It is noticeable as the on-off activity of light, or the interference of a wave; the “nothingness” that is comparable to the zeros in computer coding. One theory suggests light pops in-and-out of existence, and therefore so does the universe. Though a vacuum in space is empty, adjustments in speed of light can cause virtual photons to appear and disappear.
Something from Nothing? A Vacuum Can Yield Flashes of Light – Scientific American
Science has scoffed at “the blinking on-and-off of primal light,” though there must be an explanation for why it appears to be so. I here present a hypothesis, “Consciousness Oscillation,” culled from scientific research that aligns with knowledge brought to us by near-death experiencers. My hope is that this concept be further explored by more scientific minds.
“Blinking on-and-off” of light implies it is non-existent for short durations. This is an impossibility as energy can neither be created or destroyed (as expressed in the first law of Thermodynamics). Frequency thus appears to be a fallacy. Light being an energy unto itself (photons) is never destroyed…but it might be hidden.
When light acts as a wavelength, the empty space between waves is seen as “nothing,” which again is impossible. Something must exist in the empty spaces.
I suggest consciousness is a spectrum of both light and darkness folded in on itself. As demonstrated in the Hadron Collider experiment, opposites are two sides of one coin LHC Creates Matter From Light | BNL Newsroom.
While darkness is seen as nothing because scientists cannot measure it, that does not mean it is only the absence of light and not something unto itself. In fact, all of darkness may be the dark matter scientists cannot find but speculate counts for 85% of matter in the universe. Dark matter – Wikipedia.
A Stanford University 2020 study revealed the prime candidate in the composition of dark matter to be axion particles, and that we may be swimming in a sea of them. When they interact with the electromagnetic field, the polarization of light flips. Researchers believe that if axions are as innumerable as they predict, finding the entire field all at once is likely. Think of a fish swimming in the ocean, not noticing the ocean is surrounding it. It is predicted that when tracking of the CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background), going on for years now, shows that the entire sky rotated over time, we will be able to detect the axions in which we are swimming. The swirly sky: A new way the CMB may help track down dark matter | Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC) (
Consciousness folding in and around itself would likely look complex, with light and dark folding in and around itself in constant motion. This kind of movement is plausible considering light has a magnetic force, and axions cause polarization flips. It is telling that the 2020 Stanford research article refers to a “swirly sky” in the headline.
Oscillation Harmonics
If movement occurs as oscillation this could also explain the birth of sound and vibration, demonstrated throughout creation as Oscillation and Harmonic Motion Equation for simple harmonic oscillators | Physics | Khan Academy – Bing video.
The workings of a synthesizer demonstrate the basics of oscillation harmonics. To create sound, direct currents of energy are converted to alternating currents (DC to AC). The signal oscillates at a given frequency to generate a desired sound. Sine waves are the most basic result. Frequencies are manipulated to create different tones. Oscillators – How a synthesizer Works ( accessed May 19, 2020.
Listen here: Online Tone Generator – Free, Simple and Easy to Use., accessed May 19, 2020.
Quotes found in a physics chatroom are telling when it comes to the prevalence and importance of oscillation harmonics, even in a metaphysical sense soft question – Why is the harmonic oscillator so important? – Physics Stack Exchange:, accessed May 19, 2020.
“It’s an approximate solution to nearly every system with a minimum of potential energy.”
“The significance of both the classical and quantum harmonic oscillator comes from their ubiquity — they are absolutely everywhere in physics.”
“The most fundamental physical model we currently have…is based on quantizing classical fields (like electromagnetic fields) and realizing that particles basically just emerge from excitations of these fields, and these excitations are mathematically modeled as an infinite system of coupled, quantum harmonic oscillators.”
“The harmonic oscillator is important because it’s an approximate solution to nearly every system with a minimum of potential energy.”
…and my favorite comment:
“The career of a young theoretical physicist consists of treating the harmonic oscillator in ever-increasing levels of abstraction.” Sidney Coleman as requoted by Davidmh
OM and Ohm
Oscillation harmonics and the space at which light and dark meet figure in the experiences of some who have had deeper NDEs. Dr. Eben Alexander, a Harvard educated neurosurgeon known for his profound NDE, was likely privy to oscillation harmonics in during his visit to what he calls “core realm,” the heart of consciousness where light and darkness meet.
“I [entered] an immense void, completely dark, infinite in size, yet also infinitely comforting. Pitch black as it was, it was also brimming over with light…. I found a quotation ‘There is, some say, in God a deep but dazzling darkness…’ That was it exactly: an inky darkness that was also full to brimming with light.”
“‘Om’ was the sound I remembered hearing associated with that omniscient, omnipotent, and unconditionally loving God, but any descriptive word falls short…. ”
Source: (Alexander 2012). Proof of Heaven, 165-171; 47.
‘Om,’ as Dr. Alexander later discovered, is the sound of a sacred spiritual symbol in Indian religions. It signifies the essence of the ultimate reality, consciousness, or Atman Om – Wikipedia.
Other NDErs have heard and felt “Om” as well. Rajiv Parti, M.D. had a deep and profound experience, and he too reached the heart of consciousness described by Dr. Alexander:
“Pure love—I don’t know what else to call it—pervaded everything. The more I became wrapped up with the Being of Light, the more distinct became the chant of ‘om.” I was at once communicating with and in the Being of Light. I am one with the universe, I thought.”
Source: (Parti & Perry, 2016)
Reference entry: Parti, R. and Perry, P. (2016). Dying to Wake Up. A Doctor’s Voyage into the Afterlife and the Wisdom He Brought Back, 60.
Today “Om” is used by millions across the globe as a vibrational chant to access higher frequencies of consciousness. They seek to leave their ego-self behind and achieve a state of equilibrium by connecting to Singular Consciousness. Om – Wikipedia
Equilibrium “The Impossible “Now”
Contrary to popular belief, this does not mean meditators reach “nothingness.” Zero-point is not non-existence, but rather the infinitesimally small space between opposites—positive and negative, light and dark, yin and yang. It is the resistance point of opposites. What meditators strive for is to reach pure consciousness.
While researching energy a synchronicity presented to me. Synchronicity, as will be examined, serves as important evidence of our connection to and part of Singular Consciousness. As a reminder, understanding Singular Consciousness in its primordial form is of the utmost importance in understanding ourselves and our eternal nature
The synchronicity brought to my attention is that “Ohm” is also the standard international (SI) measurement for the resistance of energy, represented by the Greek letter Omega (Ω). This is not because “Om” was adopted to represent this measurement, but for Georg Ohm who in 1827 uncovered “Ohm’s Law” stating “a current that is between two points is directly proportional to the potential different across those two points.” He based this on his broader finding of the relationship of direct proportionality, stating that opposites on the same continuum always have a point of equilibrium.
How is it Dr. Alexander, mystics, and meditators alike found ‘Om’ at the equilibrium point of consciousness, and George Ohm defined resistance of energy in terms of opposites and the point of equilibrium centuries earlier? It is not a coincidence. It is our collective existence within Singular Consciousness that weaves together a tightly knit tapestry where all things fit neatly together.
There is more.
Ohm’s observations of the interrelatedness of sound and electricity led to “Ohm’s Acoustic Law” and the development of harmonic musical composition. Though Ohm abandoned this work, his early calculations birthed harmonic oscillation theory Who Invented Ohms Law – Vision Launch Media:
“Pitched musical instruments are often based on an approximate harmonic oscillator such as a string or a column of air, which oscillates at numerous frequencies simultaneously. At these resonant frequencies, waves travel in both directions along the string or air column, reinforcing and canceling each other to form standing waves. Interaction with the surrounding air causes audible sound waves, which travel away from the instrument. Because of the typical spacing of the resonances, these frequencies are mostly limited to integer multiples, or harmonics, of the lowest frequency, and such multiples form the harmonic series.” Harmonic Series | Orchestration and Arranging Wiki | Fandom
Finally, Ohm accredited all his work to God. Published after his death, the many letters he wrote to his family ended with the expression, “Commended to God.” Omega – Wikipedia. As noted, the symbol assigned to Ohm’s law is the Omega (Ω). Some religions refer to God as the Alpha and the Omega. In its original Greek, omega means “great,” and the symbol denotes “last” being that it is the last letter of the Greek alphabet. However, it also means “the ultimate limit of a set.” Omega – Wikipedia. This certainly includes the point where opposites meet (the light and dark aspects of consciousness)—zero point, or the ultimate limit.
Who Invented Ohms Law – Vision Launch Media (Ohm references)
This infinitesimally small space where the light and darkness of consciousness meet has now been identified as “zero-point,” “ultimate limit,” “point of equilibrium,” “resistance point,” and “Om.” There are two others that perfectly describe this space and the possibilities it holds from which we choose the events to take place in our lives. Evidence is found in the incredible NDE account of Jim Bruton.
A former war correspondent for ABC news, Bruton had a NDE after crashing his prop plane. In his book The In Between Bruton (2020) finds himself in a deserted war-torn landscape inside a sculptural egg-shaped device filled with gears grinding together:
Bruton touches some gears, causing him to double over in pain. He yanks those out and throws them onto a pile. The ‘machine’ recalibrates then continues. A ‘Voice’ tells Jim he is being given the option to eliminate bad choices he has made in life or will make. Each choice is linked to a gear. A conversation ensues:
JB: “What is this place?”
Voice: “You are in the In Between.”
JB: “In between what?”
Voice: “Everything. The Impossible Now between the past and the future.
JB: “That makes no sense whatsoever.”
Voice: “It’s impossible in its short duration. Yet here you are, standing inside the eternity of a single moment. (Bruton, 2020 50-55)
“Impossible now” captures how impossibly small the space is between light and darkness, yet it holds all possibilities—it is impossible and all possible at the same time. It is the point of equilibrium.
Voice: “This is the future birthing into the now… “The past is dust… [and] your destiny has to fit itself around futures that weren’t meant to be… You can’t change the past, but you can make better choices in the future…everything is interconnected…. Right and wrong are variables over which you have no control, the answers to what comes tomorrow are a waste. Better is understanding the beauty of how everything fits and re-fits together.” (Bruton, 2020 50-55)
From a human perspective, we think of “now” as giving birth to the future. The Voice describes the opposite, the future birthing into the now. The possibilities have already been earmarked and only need be played out in the “now.” This means we select the events to happen in our future, all the possibilities available will be based on our reactions to the ones that came before in our “nows.” In this way, we determine our own destiny before we incarnate and live a life.
The movie Groundhog Day is predicated on this. Each day is the same, a day that keeps birthing into the “now” for Phil, played by Bill Murray. As his reactions to events change as the events of the same Groundhog day keep replaying, life becomes better. The possibilities were always there, it is the reactions that dictate which will be presented Groundhog Day (1993) – Plot Summary – IMDb.
Jim Bruton was also graced with changing his future, but instead of accessing new possibilities, the less appealing ones were thrown out. The Voice told him that having fewer choices could be called mercy (Bruton, 2020 50-55).
We are ONE
The most stunning revelation about consciousness is that there is but one mind of which all humans are individuated aspects. Think of a hologram. Imagine a giant rock with one large image on it, say a dolphin. Now imagine cracking that giant rock with an enormous hammer, smashing it into a billion pieces, with perhaps the main piece still significantly larger than the others. You pick up several of the small pieces and see the exact image of the dolphin that was on the original rock on every smaller piece. Incredibly, this means we carry all the traits and characteristics of consciousness within ourselves. Because we all exist within one mind, this makes it possible to have spiritual experiences. Encapsulated in matter we call bodies, it is much harder to access others (as in the spirit world), and all information that is available to us. In the one mind is a record of everything, including potential futures.
However, as our self-awareness expands, so do our abilities. Additionally, the knowledge spreads exponentially in the form of the more subtle “synchronicities” and more profound “spiritually-transformative” events.
Personal Experience
I am an experiencer. My story is long (vanAlphen) but I will share parts of it in this essay. In my late forties I was living a typical life in the Midwestern United States when I stepped out of a high-paced career. For the first time since I fourteen, I had time on my hands. My mind settled without the constant worry of work, finances, and family. I was not a “seeker” in any way and was living my best life ever. I was not looking for change, but apparently something was looking to change me.
Alone one evening I became distressed over an article I was reading on my iPad about a teenage boy who passed away from a life-long heart condition (1 footnote Ben Breedlove). The article linked to a You Tube video he recorded months earlier about his impending death. He was handsome, charming and about my daughter’s age. Tears welled in my eyes, and I felt a painful lump in my throat. Halfway through the video I headed to the kitchen for a glass of water. As I reached the counter my sadness morphed into anger, and I raised my fists and began shouting in anger about suffering.
“Why do people have to suffer? I don’t understand suffering! suffering is such bullx!@,” I exclaimed!
Suddenly a loud knock on my front door interrupted my tirade. I wiped away the tears, made my way back through the living room and opened the door to find an elderly couple standing there, robust and rosy-cheeked. The gentleman had a cane and glasses, and looked me in the eye as he said the only words either spoke to me:
“We just came to tell you that suffering isn’t going to last forever.”
My mouth fell open as they seemed to have heard my ranting, though that would have been impossible with all windows and doors tightly closed; and though I had been angry, I was not excessively loud. An uncomfortable silence followed as I waited for them to say more, but they only nodded and smiled in affirmation of their statement. There was nothing more to say than ‘thank-you’ as I closed the door. Mere seconds passed when I bolted back to the door to ask which organization they belonged to, but to my utter amazement they were gone…absolutely and completely gone. I expected to see them just turning around to leave, but that was not the case. I thoroughly checked around the house and eagle-eyed the neighborhood, but there was no sign of them.
A few weeks later I was visited by a spirit, though who it was and what the being looked like does not matter—I was told so by the being explicitly. What I was shown were pictures of people from all cultures, races, and socio-economic backgrounds. The pictures were rifled through like a deck of cards, the corner held back by an invisible thumb. The deck stopped on a picture that was clearly a father and a son. At that moment, I was made to understand that the being was the father, the son, and all of us (all people)—that we are all equally one.
I am still not religious because I know religion is not necessary when the truth of who we are is understood. I live by the creed of one and the united consciousness that binds us all together.
Life Between Lives
The idea that we plan our lives by earmarking futures is supported by the activity of pre-birth planning and soul contracts. Dr. Brian Weiss is a graduate of Yale University Medical School. He was practicing traditional psychotherapy when his worldview was upended. A patient undergoing hypnosis for anxiety began talking as if in a different lifetime. As therapy progressed, she remembered several past lives and the intervals in the spirit realm. At times, incarnate souls would speak through her directly addressing Dr. Weiss. They told him the situation with the patient was intentionally arranged for him so he could learn and promote past-life regression therapy to help people heal from past-life trauma.
Dr. Weiss was convinced what was happening was real. His patient was able to tell him things about his life that would have been impossible for her to know. This was the guides/masters providing the information through his patient. Additionally, the patient was cured much quicker than those undergoing traditional therapy (Weiss, 1988). Dr. Weiss inspired many other practitioners and it has helped many. Among his patients are Brian L. Weiss, MD » Same Soul, Many Bodies (
Samantha, whose failures at school were overcome when she revisited her life as a Greek architect and later saw her future life as a great physician.
Hugh, a psychic, tortured in the Middle Ages as a heretic, whose journey to the future brought him peace.
Gary, whose glimpses into the future evaporated his depression and thoughts of suicide.
Christina’s past life and future memories enabled her to heal her relationship with her father and to finally find professional success and personal happiness.
Evelyn was able to release her fears and prejudices after reliving a past life as a Nazi officer and a future life as a teenage Arab girl.
Paul, whose love of Alison transcended past and future, transforming his current life and helping Alison to overcome a dangerous disease.
Most important in a broad sense, is that past-life regression is evidence that our souls live more than one lifetime, and that we go somewhere in between those lifetimes. Additionally, those in spirit are working toward the good of all, helping us overcome trauma and learn what we have come to the physical plane to learn.
Data & The Life Review
All experience—past, present, and future—is stored within Singular Consciousness and available to everyone. Much more than data, all thoughts, feelings and even the effects of actions and behaviors are part of the records. Some refer to this aspect of Singular Consciousness as the Akashic Records, others call it the Quantum Field. The life review undergone by near-death experiencers presents a panoramic-type view often like a movie either of their entire life, parts of their life, and sometimes even past lives. Most are surprised to find themselves experiencing parts of their life from the perspective of another person involved in a given scene. It is not simply visual. The experiencer feels exactly how they made others feel by their thoughts and actions.
Jeffery Long, M.D. founder of reviewed 617 NDE experiences submitted to him. A life review occurred in 88 of them, or 14%. None of the subjects reported inaccuracies in long forgotten details. Once brought up in the life review, they were remembered as fully accurate. Based on this, Dr. Long suggests feelings felt from others’ perspectives to be wholly accurate as well (Near-Death Experiences Evidence for Their Reality (, accessed 7/30/2021).
NDE literature is full of life reviews that highlight data accessibility. If it is possible for someone who did not live another’s life to experience what they experienced, then logically an ‘imprint’ of that life must exist separately from the person who lived it. Following is a sample of the life review that exemplifies this:
“I proceeded to see my entire life from…the points of view of those my actions affected. I felt the feelings they felt that directly resulted from choices I made that affected them… nothing of significance was left out or presented inaccurately… I experienced my father’s love as well as his anger. I experienced my mother’s love, her fear, and her anger as they applied to my being with her…. I was able to see everything significant that happened from all angles including the perspectives of the humans my choices affected. I felt all of my emotions and the emotions of the souls I had hurt as well as loved. Much of what I saw was surprising to me because there were more sides to the events than I was aware of when I was living my life. As I watched I thought to myself, I never realized, or I never knew…. One thing I wondered about was how the Council was able to show me my life. I guess they either monitored me, or my thought, word, and deed are written by me and stored someplace that they have access to (Part 3: Lengthy NDE meets council, life review, return (, accessed 8/5/2021).”
Near-Death Experience
The near-death experience includes many commonalities, including visiting another realm or “afterlife,” an OBE (out-of-body-experience), seeing deceased relatives, encountering light beings, and of course the past-life review just discussed. Most euphoric is a merging with The Light. Once the subject returns, or is revived, their life and worldview are drastically altered, becoming more loving, compassionate, and philanthropic.
The International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) provides the following information about NDE phenomena IANDS_2021_Press_Kit_compressed_3.pdf:
- A subjective experience that is reported by about 17% of people who survive a close brush with death, or near-death episode.
- Equally occurs to people in every demographic category, including both sexes and every age, education level, belief system, and life experience.
- Cross-cultural. Features may be expressed or interpreted in ways that relate to the experiencer’s culture as well as uniquely to the individual experiencer. Thus, whereas NDEs reflect some universal features, no two NDEs are exactly alike.
- Varied in intensity, ranging from experiences with few and less subjectively intense features to experiences with numerous and more intense features.
- Both pleasurable (90%) and distressing (10%) NDEs. Experiencers eventually show positive aftereffects, including greater connection with and concern for others, loss of fear of death, and an enhanced appreciation for life.
- Significant in numbers. A 1993 Gallup Poll estimated that 12-15 million Americans had personally experienced an NDE. Estimates of NDEs among combat veterans have ranged from about 25% (Goza et al., 2014) to 48% (Hufford, 2019).
Often cited by IANDS, a study led by Danish, German and Norwegian researchers presented findings at the Fifth European Academy of Neurology Congress revealing that one-in-ten persons has had an NDE. The study involved subjects in over thirty-five countries, all of whom measured a seven or more on the Greyson NDE standardized scale (6). If applied to the current world population of 7.9 billion in 2021, an estimated 790 million people globally have had an NDE World Population Clock: 7.9 Billion People (2021) – Worldometer ( That number, as staggering as it is, has recently increased. In an IANDS initiated study, John Hopkins University showed that 10% – 20% of people resuscitated after dying had one or more features of an NDE NDEs in Health-Care Setting (, Winter of 2020, Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics: A Journal of Qualitative Research (NIB; Vol. 10, No. 3) accessed 7/1/2021).
There is truth in numbers, and the U.S. judicial system agrees. The highest courts in our land deem eyewitness testimony a crucial aspect of any case, but especially in those of highest concern, including murder and violent crime. Cases are judged according to the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard, which mandates proof using legally obtained evidence and/or eyewitness testimony, which can and does stand alone as evidence in court Even when multiple persons witness something from different perspectives, it is not discounted. On the contrary, it strengthens a case by building a more comprehensive picture of the truth.
The sheer volume of NDEs would be considered in any U.S. or international court of law proof beyond a reasonable doubt that consciousness does continue after death, along with other metaphysical phenomena corroborated by a majority of NDErs.
NDE researchers are ahead of the legal system in how witness data is collected. As recently as 2020, The National Institute for Justice suggested courts implement more rigorous scientific research principles regarding eyewitness testimony, including 1) increasing the amount of information elicited from witnesses; 2) heightening the accuracy of witness information by working with professionals; and 3) improving evaluation techniques “Eyewitness Evidence” a U.S. Department of Justice Research Report, accessed 7/1/2020.
From the beginning, pioneers in NDE research implemented exactly these kind of scientific principles in data collection and research design. This is because NDE study grew from the medical field where those intrigued by the phenomena and driven to study it, were already used to the rigors of science.
Raymond A. Moody, Jr., M.D. coined the term “near-death experience” in his 1979 groundbreaking book Life After Life, which he wrote after much consideration as to whether the phenomenon could be held up to scientific scrutiny. Based on experiencers’ testimonies he drew out commonalities of the NDE, building as any good legal case would with eyewitness accounts, a credible picture of what happens after death. Dr. Moody became a founding member of IANDS along with other medical professionals and researchers. IANDS and other serious NDE research organizations have never wavered from the high standards practiced during the infancy of NDE research. Despite tremendous growth in the field, common features described by Dr. Moody continue to define the NDE experience. Some characteristics outlined by IANDS and most indicative of the continuation of consciousness after death include (I have combined some features and added information in parentheses):
- Feeling of being detached from the body, often viewing it from some distance away, or from a different environment altogether
- Perceiving things in the material world while “dead” that are later proven true
- Moving through a passage, such as a tunnel or door
- Being in another world
- Encountering beings and/or deceased relatives (often radiating light)
- Feeling surrounded by light and love
- Having a life review (sometimes including past life reviews)
- Seeing visions of the future – personal and/or planetary
After NDE
- Loss of fear of death
- Increased interest in spirituality
- Ongoing sense of connection to the spiritual realm
- Energy surges in body and electrical sensitivity
IANDS_2021_Press_Kit_compressed_3.pdf, p. 5-6, accessed July 10, 2021
While Dr. Moody was finalizing his book, another ground-breaking pioneer entered the field. In 1971, psychiatrist Bruce Greyson, M.D. had an experience he could not shake. He was called away from his lunch to see a young woman brought in due to overdosing brought on by depression. Just prior, Dr. Greyson had dropped a forkful of spaghetti on his tie resulting in a large red stain, which he hid by buttoning his lab coat. Finding the patient asleep, he spoke to her college roommate in a lounge down the hall out of the patient’s view and hearing range. The next morning, he visited again noting it was the first time the patient had awakened since being admitted. The young woman recognized Dr. Greyson and repeated in detail the conversation he had with her roommate the day before, including “seeing” them in the lounge, him moving a large floor fan and unbuttoning his lab coat, revealing the spaghetti stain. She noted he re-buttoned his coat again before leaving the room. According to Dr. Greyson, there was no way the woman could have known any of these things, yet she did. List: Greyson, B. (2021). After: A Doctor Explores What Near-Death Experiences Reveal about Life and Beyond. St. Martin’s Publishing Group. 1-8
Dr. Greyson had not heard of near-death experience in 1971, though he eventually determined his patient had an out-of-body experience. In 1978 he met Dr. Moody and was inspired to continue professional NDE research. In 1983, after noticing inconsistencies in how NDEs were studied he developed with input from other research design experts, an assessment scale. Today, the Greyson Standardized NDE Assessment Scale continues to be the gold standard in NDE research and has held up to scientific scrutiny, and that of NDE skeptics. In 2020, with Dr. Greyson’s input, the scale was expanded in order to include common NDE features that have come to light as the database of experiencers has grown A New Scale to Assess Near-Death Experiences — Commentary (
Dr. Moody, Dr. Greyson and a handful of others laid the professional groundwork of NDE study just prior to it ballooning in the 1900s. Advances in medical technologies accounted for increased survival rates and NDEs, particularly among heart attack and trauma victims. Communication technologies such as high-speed and widely available internet made sharing and submitting experiences easier. Today, IANDS boasts a databank of over 2,000 experiences (reference personal email from board member Robert Mays on 6/30/2020); and the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation (, founded by Dr. Jeffrey Long and his wife, attorney Jody Long, houses around 4,900 accounts.
There is no such thing as a miracle. As disappointing as that seems, take heart, they are something humans have the power to naturally generate, most just do not know it yet. There definitely are things that feel like miracles—instances of per chance happenings or information appearing unexpectedly exactly when needed. Though not completely on-point, synchronicity is the closest word available to describe the process of desiring and acquiring from Singular Consciousness.
Though ‘synchronicity’ implies events happen by chance, accessing Singular Consciousness is something that is desired. When we desire something, we project that to Singular Consciousness whether we know it or not. As you shall see, even something as insignificant as the number of toothpicks accidentally spilled by a waitress is recorded. If that is not enough to impress, consider that even future probabilities are stored here.
Synchronicities seem to happen by chance in the beginning, but as belief increases, they can be induced. “Not possible,” you say? Au contraire, I am a case-in-point, and I will be sharing several goose-bump inducing synchronicities provided to me expressly to introduce in this essay new information about consciousness. I tend to channel information directly or through lucid (hyper-real) dreaming. Meditation, deep prayer, contemplation, and psychic abilities offer other means of connecting as well.
Whether purposeful or spontaneous, synchronicity depends on belief because one cannot do anything with information received if rejected out-of-hand as a product of imagination. When information seemingly “pops into your head,” or you had a dream too real to shake, ignoring it is criminal and sanctifying it could be life-saving.
For example, I once had a lucid dream in which my daughter was severely injured in a car wreck—clearly a future probability. I did not tell her not to drive that day because she would have done so anyway (she was a teenager!). Instead, I prayed intensely that the accident be avoided, but if it had to happen, that my daughter would be protected. She did indeed have an accident that day, but it was minor, and she was not hurt. Had I not believed the dream to be more, I would not have asked for the change, and the accident would likely have been far worse.
In another synchronistic event, I tuned unexpectedly into a program that provided information on patterns and synchronicity at a time when I needed it. In “God’s Among Us,” the host stood before a map where blackholes and planets were plotted. The placement of the blackholes looked random, until lines appeared connecting them all to form a pattern. The matrix she said, made it possible for alien life forms to visit Earth without the impediment of space or time. Patterns are found in the invisible as well as the material world. When U.A.P.s (unidentified ariel phenomenon) are spotted moving erratically through the sky they are actually “dipping in and out of blackholes.”
Quantum waves that move along the invisible circuitry of non-matter also make possible telepathic communication among beings, whether on the same planet (human-to-human), or light years, blackholes, or universes apart, according to this theory. Staring at the map, it reminded me of pictures of the brain showing the intricate connections between neurons that pulse along synapses when communication takes place. The host continued, saying “All that is necessary is for one to tune their mind into the pathways of space and the messages from the universe will come pouring-in
The term synchronicity is sorely lacking. Based on this information, I believe a new term would serve better. Syncondipity implies…an instance of syncing (sync) with our connected consciousness (con) by dipping into (dipity, as with the blackholes) unseen quantum fields and the pathways that connect them. Perhaps syncondipity does not roll off the tongue easily, but everything takes getting used to and I have now entered it into the databank of Singular Consciousness.
Consciousness Meter and 9/11
Savants befuddle just about everyone. As puzzling as they are, they offer a rare glimpse of human potential at its peak, a time in the not-too-distant future when accessing Singular Consciousness will be normal. Remember the 1988 hit movie Rain Man? Actor Dustin Hoffman plays savant Raymond Babbitt, and Tom Cruise plays his caregiver brother, Charlie Babbitt. A diner scene plays out that highlights Raymond’s unique capability to know things (Cite idb movie site):
Handing Raymond a box of toothpicks, the waitress accidentally spills the contents onto the floor. Raymond scans the pile, his eyes moving back and forth several times.
Raymond: “Eighty-two, eighty-two, eighty-two.” (likely Ray saw there were eighty-two per row)
Charlie: “Eighty-two what?”
Raymond: “Toothpicks.”
Charlie: “There’s a lot more than eighty-two toothpicks, Ray.”
Raymond: “Two-hundred forty-six total.”
Charlie (to waitress): “How many toothpicks are in there?”
Waitress (reading the toothpick box): “Two-hundred and fifty.”
Charlie: “Pretty close, Ray.”
Raymond: “Two-hundred forty-SIX.”
Waitress (states matter-of-factly as both men turn to leave): “There’s four left in the box.”
Charlie’s eyes widen and he and the waitress stare at each other unsure what to make of Ray’s uncanny ability.
How did Raymond know how many toothpicks were in the pile without counting them? How can any savant produce such accurate information at lightning speed?
Diane Hennacy Powell, M.D. is a John Hopkins-trained psychiatrist, therapist, and neuroscientist who researches psychological anomalies, including savants. She worked with Kim Peek, the ‘real’ rain man, and others like him. In a online interview, Dr. Powell mentions a set of twins whose favorite game is rapidly calling out back-and-forth to each other prime numbers in sequence. Other savants can tell exactly what they did, ate, and wore on any given date in their life, plus the day of the week on which the date fell. The movie bit with the toothpicks was a page taken right out of Ken Peek’s life story.
Dr. Powell said savants do not possess exceptional computational skills. Rather, they “see” the information in their head. The twins explained to her that they see a “ticker tape” of prime numbers tick-tick-ticking past in their mind’s eye. Other savants say the same—that information appears to them in written form.
I had a similar experience during one of my core STEs. My past life name was spelled out to me in a left-to-right fade after I specifically asked for information on whom I had been in a past life. As I describe in my book Caught Between Heaven and Earth (van Alphen, 2019) p. 5-77:
“Then, the strangest thing that ever occurred in my life happened. A letter came forward out of a white, misty background—a capital ‘A.’ Then another letter—a lowercase ‘b’—slowly followed, ending in position next to the now-faint ‘A.’ Letters continued to come forward and fade in this manner…I became aware that a word—a name!—was being spelled out… As I finished pronouncing it, the scenario repeated, but this time a little quicker… The scenario repeated a third time at yet a quicker pace… I pronounced it perfectly.”
The name I was given was strange to me, and in fact was foreign, Arabic to be exact. I am certain I could not have pulled this out of my mind. After years of studying consciousness, I realize that I accessed this information through Singular Consciousness. I do not believe I acted alone however, which is important to note as Singular Consciousness is shared consciousness and that means other beings are likely helping us, particularly those out-of-body who can connect easier to the whole of consciousness, as they have no brain filter or dense body to prevent accessing information. When we are open to receiving answers, these helpers may at times, be the ones accessing the information and feeding it to us via our connection within the Singular Consciousness.
Peek had memorized over 14,000 books before his death in 2009, and he could read two at a time, one with each eye. Even more miraculous is that he could do this with a huge hole in his brain. Peek had hydrocephalus, an accumulation of fluid in the brain that causes the head to enlarge and skull bones to separate. Eventually connective fibers between the two halves rip apart leaving a large hole right in the center of the brain. The right and left hemispheres remain detached. Dr. Powell points out that science has mapped the brain to show that the exact location where hemispheres meet, where Ken Peek’s mind has a large hole, is where memories are stored and accessed. Dr. Power ref. Clearly, something is amiss with the brain mapping.
What does this say about consciousness? Dr. Powell believes it exists outside the individual and acts as a data field containing all knowledge. Savants merely access the knowledge. Like many other pioneer-scientists, Dr. Powell likens the brain to a reducing valve or filter that allows only a given amount of consciousness into our individual brains. The abnormalities in savant brains means the filter is somehow distorted to allow more consciousness in than normal. The hole in Peek’s brain should have prevented him from any memory recall whatsoever, but he had extremely quick and accurate memory.
Cells: Gates & Channels
Lipton’s Cell Membrane
Like the crystalline structure of diamonds, rubies, and emeralds, our cell membranes contain molecules arranged in regular, repeated patterns—the definitive nature of a crystal. This finding by renowned cell biologist Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., led him to a synchronistic aha moment that catapulted him from agnostic, materialist scientist to scientific-spiritual sage. Seconds after scrawling onto paper a twenty-first century revised definition of the cell membrane, he laid down his pen to focus on an unrelated task—setting up his new computer. Opening a manual, he was stunned to see his definition staring back at him in the description of a computer silicon chip. He quickly ascertained the two were not only the same structurally, but functionally as well. Both house liquid crystals containing gates and channels through which information flows in constant input and output between the unit (be it cell or silicon chip) and the environment via electric signals. More akin to coding than biological-chemical reaction Lipton’s aha moment came when he realized that like a silicon chip, cell activity is directed by an outside intelligent programmer (Lipton
So profound was Dr. Lipton’s revelation that it detoured him onto a new path of consciousness studies and an unrelenting conviction that mind is a non-local source of self that controls the brain and body, not the other way around as traditional science contends, and that he had ascribed to up until his moment of reckoning. A year later Dr. Lipton tested the practical application of his new-found knowledge on himself, consciously reprogramming his brain to make major improvements to his health, relationships, and creativity (footnote: Rob S. Psyche-K). With writer’s block eliminated he penned his seminal book The Biology of Belief (Lipton, 200-228) dedicating the epilogue to his transcendent journey grounded not in faith, but in growing scientific evidence that humans are at their core, spirit. You might say that like a crystal to a gem, the scientist was transformed.
Dr. Lipton’s discovery that consciousness flows in and out through the cell membranes is telling. Though many scientists feel the brain may be the receiver of consciousness, there is no evidence of this, other than information eventually is received by the brain. Possibly it is a combination, as the brain also is composed of cells. More research needs to be done in this area.
In the most profound synchronicity I have had since my main experiences occurred, I was given information about the connection of consciousness to cells, specifically to include in this essay. I had been contemplating Dr. Lipton’s findings and asked for confirmation that they were correct and for further understanding. This was casual and not requested while meditating. I was also given a second beautiful confirmation.
Cartia Loca
I awoke at 3:00 a.m. on March 13, 2021 to words looming large in my mind’s eye. The phrase “CARTIA LOCA” scrolled across my field of vision in all capital letters. I was receiving an answer in response to my request for more knowledge about consciousness and the soul as it relates to cells. I had recently finished reading Dr. Bruce Lipton’s book The Biology of Belief, and he discerned that information flows to us through our cells from an outside source. His aha moment led him from being a purely materialist cell biologist to a scientific-spiritual sage.
Considering much of spiritual science is pointing to the brain as simply a filter of consciousness, I wondered if “the filter” actually extends to not just brain cells, but all cells. Are our cells the seat of our soul? Does our spiritual form reside in every single cell? I considered too, that we are all plugged into a singular consciousness, or as so many NDErs put it, “We are all one.” If that is true, then our individual souls must receive information from this source. In keeping with Lipton’s computer analogy, everything exists in the cloud and our souls are the receptors of the information. Religion might present this as the vehicle through which God speaks to us.
These were the thoughts I had been pondering and asking God to clarify or confirm as I drifted off to sleep. Hours later I was awakend to God’s response, “CARTIA LOCA.”
It was just after 4:00 a.m. when this occurred, and I laid in the dark analyzing the words, guessing “Cartia” had something to do with map as in cartography, and that “Loca” probably meant location or something local. Not wanting to wake my husband, I decided I would begin researching this answer first thing in the morning. I knew there would be much to discover and intuited that a new leg of my spiritual journey had begun.
To my surprise Cartia turned out not to be a word at all, but a name. It was a name I’d never heard before, but I felt shock at how appropriate it was – and that alone provided evidence that my mind was not playing tricks on me. By now however – nine years after my initial awakening experiences – I have learned to trust that when I seek answers from the heart, they are provided by spirit. What I discovered is that Cartia is a name that means unconditional love, and more specifically the unconditional love a parent has for a child What Does The Name Cartia Mean? ( NDErs report that when they merge with The Light of pure consciousness there is an overwhelming feeling of unconditional love. Many say they feel they were ‘home,’ which can be equated with parental love. A few examples from the IANDS website:
The light was unconditional love unlike anything I have experienced here on Earth. (Tainted Water Leads to Unconditional Love)
Bathed in its luminous warmth, I felt no longer separate but enveloped by a feeling of unconditional love. (My Son, My Light)
The feeling of peace was there, and for the first time in my life I felt a powerful unconditional love entering and surrounding my being. This love was all fulfilling, and I felt no need for anything else. (Ascension)
I found the name Cartia on several websites purporting it to be of Latin or Greek origin and used today having the same meaning in Greek, Indian, Spanish, French, and English. After results failed to turn up anything other than the name reference, I launched into the online Merriam Webster Dictionary. It returned a response informing me that Cartia was not a word. I then coughed up my credit card for a subscription to the Merriam Webster Unabridged version online where at least 25,000 words held more possibilities. Nothing. Cartia is a name, and that is that.
I followed procedure with ‘Loca.’ The standard Merriam Webster Dictionary directed me to the unabridged version, indicating I would find “Loca” under the plural form ‘Locus.’ The spend was paying off. The entry had four related definitions and all made sense Locus | Definition of Locus by Merriam-Webster, accessed March 13, 2021….though clearly one was spirit having fun with a little word game (this was not the first time!). Here is the entry:
noun \ ˈlō-kəs
\plural lo·ci \ ˈlōˌsī
, -ˌkī , -ˌkē \ also lo·ca \ ˈlō-kə \
1: place, locality especially : the place connected with a particular event having legal import —used especially in legal phrases
2 [by shortening] : locus classicus: a standard passage important for the elucidation of a word or subject
3 [New Latin, from Latin]
a: the regular linear position occupied in a chromosome by any one gene or its allele
b: the point in a chromosome associated with a particular hereditary character
4 [New Latin, from Latin] mathematics : the collection of all points whose location is determined by some stated law
Entry #3 jumped off the page. Applied to consciousness, this means it is hereditary (generational) and resides as a standard gene at a standard point within the chromosome of the cell. The particular hereditary trait being reference here is Cartia – unconditional love.
What strikes me about this is that Dr. Lipton writes that we have the power with our desires/thoughts (the outside programmer) to change our DNA. The cell membrane is surely where this happens. Could this hereditary gene/trait – Cartia – be found in what is termed ‘junk DNA’?
Entry #4 means there is a law or immutable mechanic that determines the location points of a dispersed something. I believe this means that the soul is dispersed throughout every cell of the body.
Entry #1 then, in this scenario, would mean that there is an “event” or time at which consciousness enters the body through the cells. This aligns with my experience, and that of most all NDErs, regarding the truth of reincarnation and the existence of the soul long before the body is formed. Still others, like Christian Sundberg, claim to remember their soul lives pre-utero, as well as remembering entering into their baby-body and being born.
Entry #2 I did not know how this fit with the information I found. Then, I re-read it and realized… It’s a God-wink! I am never surprised when this happens, but I am always happy when it does! The “standard passage” is the dictionary entry itself meant enlighten me on the subject.
Later on I also realized that entry #2 (a standard passage important for the elucidation of a word or subject) could also be taken to mean that the cells are the standard passage through which information flows in to enlighten the receiver on any matter of subjects or knowledge.
I simply cannot emphasize enough… information comes to me in this way when I have a deep desire for it. I realize there will be skeptics, but I can do nothing about that. This answer was given to me, though my analysis is just that — though I remind myself I have been trusted to connect the dots. I have a great head start right from the Source. My next task, already proving to be difficult, will be to find spiritual scientists, researchers and/or medical professionals willing to work with me on proving Cartia Loca. Additionally, I have been given information that leads me to believe that reincarnation can be proven through gene study. This is another subject altogether, but one I believe will stem from proving that we indeed have a soul and it resides in a very specific location within the DNA of our cells.
I know readers will ask: “Why aren’t you just given all the information?” It comes down to vibration. Disincarnate souls vibrate at a higher level than humans, who are temporarily encased in matter (the body) and must lower their vibration when taking on a body, if one’s vibration is not naturally above that of collective human consciousness. Holding a connection is not easy, and so disincarnate beings must find ways of sending us information or signs in as precise a manner as possible. There is work for both sides to do!
Now for the information/confirmation I was made aware of yesterday….
I brought my iPad outside to take my usual break on my back deck hammock swing. I decided to see if there were new NDE accounts posted on YouTube. I fell asleep as I began watching a new interview, one I selected only because it showed up first in my YouTube search and I had not yet seen it. As I was sleeping, I felt a nudge on my left side. It was not a physical nudge, but enough of something that it made me glance to the left as I suddenly woke. My attention was immediately directed to my iPad which was still on my lap. I was just in time to hear the woman in the video explaining something that happened during her NDE. This was clearly a confirmation that I had understood correctly the information I was given about consciousness and cells. Following is the transcription:
Anke Evertz had a deep, profound NDE that began with an out-of-body experience as her body burned in a fire. She was in coma for nine days, during which time her spirit (consciousness) met with a guide she called ‘teacher.’ Anke said:
“Suddenly I dissolved into what I call ‘the Source’ today. Suddenly I had the feeling I was connected with everything; with God, with the creation; that I was part of all this. At that moment he [the teacher] asked, ‘Where do you think you are now?’ And my answer was, ‘I’m at home. I’ve arrived. I’m where we all come from.’ I could hear him laugh then, and he told me, ‘I’ll show you where you are.’ And then he pulled me back into this body. We were going deeper and deeper into the organs, the tissue. I could see the blood vessels. He pulled me into my cells. All of the sudden I recognized this Source in the core of each cell of my body in which I’d just been in earlier. I’ll never forget this astonishing moment. I was completely perplexed because I realized everything I was looking for ‘out there’ did exist in me or my body. I then heard the laughter of my teacher again. He said, ‘You are the embodiment of creation.’” (88) Nine Days of Eternity | Anke Evertz: A Profound Near-Death-Experience During a Coma – YouTube, accessed 8/3/2021
Harvard educated brain scientist Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D. confirms consciousness lays within every cell of the body (15) . Having lost the left hemisphere of her brain due to a debilitating stroke, she writes in her book My Stroke of Insight that while still retained right hemisphere brain consciousness, she felt herself to be a “cellular masterpiece,” able to sense consciousness in each cell making up her body (15).
I Contemplated why “Loca” was given in its plural form. If consciousness is multiple regarding individuated aspects of the whole, then what could this mean? Spirit is always precise, correct, and purposeful. Since “Loca” is plural, that can only mean that consciousness is not, and never was, alone. Christopher Galland, the deceased son of Dr. Leo Galland communicated the following to his father (16) which confirms my assessment:
“There never was and never will be a time when God [Consciousness] exists alone, because [it] is loving and loving requires others… (16)”
Even when merged with primal consciousness, also often called “the Source,” we remain individuated. The analogy commonly used is “We are like drops in an ocean of consciousness.” The individual drop always exists, whether in or out of the ocean. More recently this was updated to “We aren’t just drops in the ocean, but we are the ocean in every single drop. Both are true.
Not only is death an illusion and an afterlife certain, but it is clear we have always existed and always will and further, we never lose the aspect we call ‘self.”
Exiting the Body
Out-of-Body Experience
Individuated Consciousness
Those experiencing an OBE as part of a near-death experience have seen or felt an energetic body lift out of the physical body. In their NDE accounts, it is the energetic light body that proves to be the primary carrier of consciousness, or the “true” self. In many cases experiencers say they felt very little emotional attachment to their body. When an individual glimpses their ‘new body’ they perceive it as light. Though some fear losing themselves (their unique personality/self) upon death, we do not.
Nancy Rynes, a self-described atheist, and nature enthusiast working as a geologist in Colorado before her NDE, describes the moments after being hit on her bicycle in her book Awakenings from the Light:
“The SUV continued to drag me under it. Then I noticed something very odd. At that moment I realized my consciousness was in two places at once… It seemed like the animal or survival-focused part of my consciousness stayed under the truck in my body, hanging on to the axle, whimpering…. But another part of my consciousness watched the whole accident unfold from out in front and to the side of the SUV! …’Observer me’ was oddly dispassionate about what unfolded. While it was definitely me, this part of my consciousness did not feel any panic or fear…She [was] thoughtful yet loving.” (Rynes, 2015). P. 6-7
Rynes emphasizes the out-of-body ‘observer’ was still her, complete with rational thinking, emotions, and memories. While in this state she recalled running over a racoon several years earlier, which elicited at the moment of recall a deep empathy for the animal. It was the ‘observer’ self that did the rational thinking and calmed her, while her ‘animal self’—the body trapped under the SUV—was in survival mode only.
The joke Dr. Parti heard his mother and sister tell points to his mental faculties being in-tact (26-28) Not only did he have to understand the communication taking place, but he had to recognize the banter about the friend’s BMW as being a joke. According to my conversation with him, he thought it amusing.
Tricia Barker did not know her stepdad when she saw him buy a Snickers candy bar from a vending machine . She thought it strange however, as her mother was a health-food advocate and she though surely her mom’s husband would not eat ‘junk food.’ Additionally, she realized the moment would be significant though she was not sure how.
Sanaya, Mikey Morgan, Dr. Alexander, Dr. Galland, and Andrea Courey’s experiences point to the same conclusion—our ephemeral ‘selves’ move on to the afterlife retaining cognitive abilities, and personal preferences including likes, dislikes, and memories. As noted earlier, scientists refer to these as “qualia,” or the part of consciousness that makes us individuals.
Veridical Proof
NDEs that offer veridical proof feature third-party confirmation of perceptions or other information obtained by the experiencer while out-of-body. In general, the experiencer reports something they had no way of knowing because they were clinically dead when it happened; or they perceived something completely out of their sensory range. For example, a woman having a NDE floats up through the roof of the hospital where she sees a blue tennis shoe laying on a ledge. Afterward, she tells a social worker about it including details such as the little toe area being worn. The social worker retrieves the shoe to find the patient’s description perfectly accurate (Rivas, 2016). This is an actual account that is often repeated because of its impactful detail.
Details of “Maria’s Tennis Shoe” in IANDS’ publication The Self Does Not Die is a compendium of NDE accounts that include veridical proof (Rivas, 2016). The book contains over one-hundred verifiable NDEs culled in part from The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences (Holden et al., 2009) edited by a team of IANDS researchers, and additional cases sourced by a Dutch team. According to an interview with Holden, the original study drew from cases featuring out-of-body experience (OBE), of which thirty percent of NDE cases include. Holden said the study was vigorous and cases that showed even the slightest error were nullified (Rivas, 2019).
Though cases like “Maria’s Tennis Shoe” (Rivas, 2016) are repeated often within the NDE community, much of the public is unfamiliar with them—I was not familiar with any of then when I began studying NDE. I outline here one additional often-cited case, along with more recent accounts. As with NDE information in general, there is a wealth of material available to the public, most of it free on NDE websites, YouTube, and social media venues.
One of the most incredible cases is that of Pam Reynolds. As reported in one study, cardiologist Michael Sabom (as cited in Rivas, 2016) in his “Atlanta” study, relates the case of Pamela Reynolds (Sabom, M.B. et al. (1998). Light and death: One doctor’s fascinating account of near-death experiences.). In 1991 Reynolds had an aneurysm removed from the base of her skull. Before surgery she was put into a hypothermic state to temporarily stop her heart and breathing and to drain the blood from her head. Full measures were taken to ensure she was completely unconscious throughout surgery. Earbuds emitting clicks in one ear and white noise in the other were molded to her ear canals to block out all other sound. Gauze was packed over her the earbuds and over the eyes and tightly taped down.
After surgery, Reynolds accurately described in detail a saw used on her during the procedure, comparing it to an electric toothbrush with interchangeable blades stored in a box similar to those used for storing socket wrenches. She also recounted a verbal exchange among the medical team about arteries in her left groin being too small to use and the need to switch to the right groin. During surgery Reynolds was surprised by this conversation and wondered why brain surgery would need to involve stripping arteries in the lower half of her body. When Reynolds recounted all this information to her surgeons, they were stumped. There was no reasonable explanation for Reynolds to have seen or heard anything at all in the operating room. The only plausible explanation is provided by Reynolds herself—she was out of her body.
Another case involves a woman who suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder causing a constant desire to find and memorize numbers. She was admitted into the neurology ICU for an unrelated head injury, remaining there for several weeks in a coma. When she awakened, she said she had risen out of her body and observed the room from above including the small serial number engraved on the top of a ventilator, which were six feet tall at the time. The information was laid aside until a custodian came by with latter in tow. He climbed up, wiped the dust away from a top the ventilator, and read the 12-digit serial number…which matched exactly the number reported by the patient.
NHNE Near-Death Experience Network. (2012). Beyond the Light [Motion Picture] (as cited in Rivas, 2016). List Rivas, 95-97
In 1994 then-college student Tricia Barker suffered crushing spinal injuries when her Honda Civic Hatchback collided with an SUV. During surgery. As Tricia explains it, she ‘popped’ out of her body and her spirit stood above her and to the right. When she flatlined, ‘angels’ who had joined her told her she didn’t need to stay in the operating room. With that, her spirit floated into the hallway where she saw her stepdad, Jim, walk away from the rest of her family and get a Snicker’s candy bar from the vending machine. She was surprised by this because, though she did not know him well, she assumed he was a health food nut like her mother. It is noteworthy that Tricia remembers staring at Jim at that moment knowing it would somehow be significant.
Tricia’s mother later confirmed the story, adding that Jim had only stepped away and gotten the Snickers bar because Tricia’s dad showed up and Jim wanted to give Tricia’s mom and dad a chance to talk in private (Barker, 2019).
Dr. Rajiv Parti was a wealthy, successful chief of anesthesiology at Bakersfield Heart Hospital in California when he had an NDE. In his book Dying to Wake Up (Parti, 2016) he explains that he experienced trilocation, which he initially thought to be scary. He recognized himself as a ‘hovering soul’ looking down on his anesthetized physical self in the Los Angeles operating theatre, and yet he was in a third location at his family’s home seven-thousand miles away in New Dehli, India where he observed his mother and sister in conversation. They spoke about making lentil soup, his sister’s new window covering business, the horrible pollution in New Dehli, and they made a joke about a friend’s new BMW. Dr. Parti noted his sister wore blue jeans and a red sweater, and his mother a green sari and a green sweater. He tried in vain to get them to notice him until the sudden sounds of implements crashing in the surgical center brought his attention swiftly back to the operating room (Parti, 2016). Pp 26-27
In a personal Zoom meeting with Dr. Parti on July 22, 2021 he confirmed to me something specific, but very important that had inadvertently been left out of his book, which is that his sister and mother confirmed everything he observed about them while out-of-body visiting the family home. They remembered everything because it was only a matter of hours from when they learned of Dr. Parti’s emergency surgery. (Parti, 2016). Pp 17-28; and personal communication.
There is also the case of Dr. Greyson and the patient who saw the spaghetti stain on his tie. That alone was enough to change the trajectory of Dr. Greyson’s life, leading him to become a pioneer of NDE science
It is worth noting that there are cases which offer the experiencer ‘proof’ of their own journey, though it is not verifiable to others. Dr. Alexander’s account is an example. Before his trauma he had been searching for his birth family (he was adopted). While recovering at home, he received an envelope in the mail with a letter from a search organization informing him they found his biological sister, but she had died a couple years earlier. As he pulled the enclosed photo of his sister out of the envelope, he was shocked to see it was the beautiful girl who accompanied him as his guide as they toured the afterlife realms (Alexander, 2012) 165-171.
Higher Self & Life Plans
Even when incarnated, there is a part of individual consciousness that resides outside of ourselves, referred to as the “When we stray from the life plan we create for ourselves, our higher self can intervene to keep us on track. Both the higher self and pre-birth and life planning evidence our existence in the higher realm, and that we are always connected to Singular Consciousness.
…Every one of us has a life plan, a structure, no matter how painful it seems to us. We do have a programme through which we have to go in order to evolve and progress and be able to become the essence of what we are. IANDS, anonymous NDE, “Spanish Man Pleads to Return…”
Christopher Galland alluded to the soul as always being in two place at once. Communicating with his father from the afterlife, he told him he should lighten up and not miss him so much, reminding his father “You’re already here, you know.” (Galland, 2018). P. 130-131
An NDE account submitted to the NDERF website illustrates this point as well. The experiencer ask his spirit guide how he can manifest what he desires in the afterlife. The guide tells him to think about something he desired on Earth. He envisions a piece of his mother’s famous chocolate cake. Though his mother is still alive, she suddenly appears in front of him handing him the biggest piece of her homemade cake he had ever seen., NDE 7743.
I encountered this phenomenon too when learning of someone else’s NDE in the middle of my own STE. I do not know how I became entangled with this boy’s life, but I am sure it was planned. Watching a video Ben Breedlove had made prior to his passing, he shared his near-death experience from years before. Finding himself in misty-white area his favorite rapper Kid Cudi appeared at his side. Kid Cudi was, and still is, alive. In the background, Kid Cudi’s song “Rage” played as the lyrics rang out “When will the fantasy end? When will the Heaven begin?” He touched Ben’s shoulder indicating Ben had to return to Earth because he had work to finish.
There are numerous NDE accounts of people seeing others in the afterlife that they know to still be alive on Earth. This supports two key aspects of human identity. The first is that reincarnation is not necessarily linear as most perceive it; and the second is that our individuated consciousness (souls) can be in more than one place or state (physical, ephemeral, or light) at any time. Clearly, if humans themselves are consciousness, then consciousness is everywhere a human being exists. Considering the foundational and generative nature of consciousness to everything, it is accurate to describe consciousness as omni-present (everywhere at once).
First Law of Thermodynamics
The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only changed from one form to another. This alone is evidence that at least an energetic part of the human being lives forever. What many people fear however, is whether the “me” that is “me” continues after death. There is strong evidence in the NDE literature supporting the supposition that humans are energy at their core, specifically light; and that the light body retains all cognitive abilities, likes, dislikes, and memories of its physical body. There is a relatively newly discovered energy that demands further scientific investigation as potentially the energy that makes up the ‘light body’ that retains individuated consciousness (parts of the whole).
Ferro What?
SALT! I was in a meditative state swaying on my hammock as wind rustled through the trees’ summer leaves. As I have done throughout the writing of this essay, I plugged into Singular Consciousness asking for information on the energy that comprises consciousness and where it is found in the human being. Not an uncommon occurrence for me, I awakened to a word looming large in my mental field of vision in all capital letters, SALT.
Returning to my desk I decided not to look it up at that moment. ‘Salt’ is a broad a term so I decided to wait for it to reveal itself to me. As planned, I began laying out the case for humanity’s eternal nature starting with energy.
The first law of thermodynamics applies to the human body, but is there evidence of a different kind of energy that remains separate and apart from the physical body?
Science would have you believe that all energy contained within the human body decomposes and is returned to the earth, particularly elements such as sodium, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, which provide the energy cells require to power bodily functions How the human body uses electricity – University of Maryland Graduate School (
Let us first look at the decomposing human body. It takes twenty-four hours for a dead body to cool to the core, and a full month to reach “active decay” state, the point at which it begins to liquify. It is a long process, but most heat-energy is lost quickly. The primary reason is that cells stop working. They no longer break down nutrients, thus heat is no longer generated and lost by laboring cells Some corpses may mysteriously heat up after death (
‘Autolysis’ is described as the death of cells, which happens in two ways under two different circumstances. First, in the case of illness, cell membranes break down by digestive enzymes, dropping body pH levels below the ideal of pH 7 Difference Between Lysosomes and Peroxisomes | Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms. When this happens consumption of cells begins in a slow digestive-like process. The other circumstance is death-related ‘autolysis,’ which is characterized by the dramatic popping and rupturing of cell membranes immediately upon death The Stages Of Human Decomposition | Aftermath Services. This is followed by typical cell digestion as it would occur in illness.
Despite technology advances, ‘time of death” standards are often in dispute. After accounting for standard factors such as environmental temperature, skin conduction, activity prior to death, etc., discrepancies remain. As late as 2020, a new formula was proposed because the current “gold standard” for determining such time had shown to have a three to seven-hour discrepancy range. The only standard of measurement that is accurate is that “time of death” is based on body heat loss Narrowing down the time of death – Cosmos Magazine.
I suspect cell membranes in death-related autolysis are releasing a so-far undetected energy besides that of residual heat from cells that stop laboring. Dr. Lipton did, after all, discover a kind of electrical-energetic coding going on in the cell membrane. Understanding that the body cools quickly due to some standardly accepted reasons, why should autolysis in sickness be a different process than in death? The fact that there is still controversy over how “time of death” is calculated is telling. No finite breakdown exists of energy loss at the immediate time of death.
If consciousness does reside in the cells, and exits quickly from the cells upon death, there should be a measurable energy. It is now a matter of determining what type of energy would fit the bill of what we know consciousness to be as experienced in initial out-of-body states—a non-physical energetic body that retains the essence of the individual with cognitive abilities and memory.
Here is where the salty breadcrumbs lead…. I searched “electricity in the body,” which returned an entry for Rochelle Salt, also known as Seignette salt (after the Frenchman who discovered it). A November, 2020 article in Physics World celebrates the 100-year old discovery of Ferroelectric Energy by Ph.D. student Joseph Valasek Ferroelectricity: 100 years on – Physics World. He was using this potassium-based, single-crystalline salt to develop a seismograph when he noticed something interesting. The salt, which is piezoelectric—a substance that releases an electrical charge when pressure is applied—displayed polarization hysteresis in an electric field. In layman’s terms, it developed a memory feedback loop Wikipedia provides a synopsis Hysteresis – Wikipedia:
“Hysteresis is the dependence of the state of a system on its history. For example, a magnet may have more than one possible magnetic moment in a given magnetic field, depending on how the field changed in the past. Plots of a single component of the moment often form a loop or hysteresis curve, where there are different values of one variable depending on the direction of change of another variable. This history dependence is the basis of memory in a hard disk drive and the remanence that retains a record of the Earth’s magnetic field magnitude in the past…”
A 2014 article headline announced “Perplexing—as yet—unexplained Electrical Effect Found in Mammals….” For the first time, ferroelectricity was found in the flexible tissue of mammalian blood vessels—a pig aorta to be exact. While no other biological studies seem to have been conducted since, the teams from University of Washington, Seattle and the University of Boston who performed the study speculate that ferroelectricy may act as a sort of “tissue memory” in conjunction with nerves Body shock: The electricity inside your body – BBC Future, accessed June 1, 2021.
It is interesting that researchers noted no survival adaptation reason for ferroelectricity in the body, conjecturing that it may be just a side effect of some other adaptive function. Why do scientists disregard that which they cannot explain? The ‘side effect’ phenomenon was used as an excuse for ‘junk DNA,’ now proving crucial in the activity of telomerase genes in fighting aging Research identifies potential role of ‘junk DNA’ sequence in aging, cancer | WSU Insider | Washington State University, accessed 8/2/2021. Some materialist scientists have even suggested that consciousness is just a by-product of brain functionality.
Ferroics, as it is now called, has blossomed into another area called ferroelastics. Born from ferroelectric energy, memory is the surprising component. Ferroelectric materials can also store lots of energy. These materials react to both their own elastic strain and stress applied to them. When heat is released from a ferroelastic material, and then mechanically manipulated when cool, it will return to its original shape again when heated. Ferroelastics remember their original physical and geometric shape. Many have been awed by flexible frame eyeglasses thanks to ferroelastics.
Ferroelectric energy is a striking candidate for consciousness energy. To recap, ferroelectric energy needs a liquid crystal in which to reside. Where do we find liquid crystals in the body? Nowhere else but in the cell membranes (thank you again, Dr. Lipton). So far, it has been found in the aorta of a pig—not traveling through the aorta, but in the aorta itself, the cells! The aorta’s cell membranes are similar to liquid crystals, providing the necessary flexibility this energy requires.
Combine ferroelectric energy with what is known (or not known) about autolysis. When the body dies, cell membranes—not cells in their entirety—rupture, which means something is being released relatively quickly at the moment of death. Ferroelectric energy as noted is a strong, high-capacity energy that has great force potential. This energy also retains memory, exhibiting polarized hysteresis which creates a memory loop that moves back and forth upon itself.
Thermodynamics (energy cannot be made or destroyed), light beings (energy bodies that carry consciousness), and ferroelectric energy, when taken together, is a strong candidate for an individuated consciousness form (or soul) that resides and exits from cell membranes in the body.
The Afterlife
Light Bodies
After the out-of-body experience, NDErs often notice themselves as light bodies. Like an atom, the light body is more an ‘object’ than matter, its parameters defined by vibrating energy.
Near-death experiencers have seen proof of this for themselves and usually express that it is a stunning revelation to know that we are light!
“I looked at my hand. It was translucent and shimmering and moved with fluidity, like the water in the ocean. I looked down at my chest. It, too, had the translucence and flow of fine silk in a light breeze.”
-Dannion Brinkley (Brinkley, 2008) p. 8
“The Light is in me…. I become the Light…[in] form that I have never seen, but it is not new to me, somehow I know it… I don’t have any questions, because I know everything that the Light knows.”
-Andy Petro, Death Before Dying: A Love Experience, Vital Signs 25#1, accessed via 7/7/2021
“I was inside the white light, being a small light in the infinite light.”
-Anonymous,, accessed 7/7/2021
“An incandescent-like beam of light, almost like a searchlight, originated from me and illuminated my path.”
-Dale Black, Flight to Heaven
“[My] spiritual body was translucently white, but then again, it wasn’t. It’s so hard to describe. It “glowed” or “radiated” such light.”
-Anonymous,, accessed 7/7/2021
Anonymous excerpts on the OBE from Dr. Moody’s Life After Life reveal the same:
“I was in a physical body, but something I can best describe as an energy pattern.”
“It had a density to it…nothing really physical [but] charged, if you’d like to call it that.”
“It wasn’t a glob of matter…and I know I still had something you could call hands.”
“I felt like I was a round ball…like a little sphere….”
“I was…clear form…an energy maybe…just a little ball of energy.”
NDErs are not the only ones to observe this light-energy. Shared-death experiencers (SDEs) provide eyewitness evidence of a non-physical body as well.
Janet Tarantino is a three-time NDEr who shared everything about her experiences with her father. When he became ill, he wanted to verify the dying process to Janet by explaining the stages of death as he progressed through them. When the time came, Janet traveled through the night to reach her father’s hospital room. Exhausted after travel and another seven hours at her comatose father’s bedside, Janet fell into a deep sleep. At 1:30 a.m., she suddenly woke to the thought that she needed to film her father, though they had never spoken about filming her father’s death. Janet began recording with her cell phone and within a few minutes her father took his last breath. The video shows a flash of blue light come from her father’s chest and extend upward toward the ceiling. This happens so quickly the light appears at first to flash right, but when the video is slowed it clearly flashes left toward Janet’s mother, the woman her father loved deeply. In her YouTube video, Janet likens this to a car tire going so fast one way it appears to rotate in the opposite direction. Janet believes her father’s spirit awakened her in order to keep his promise. Real Spirit Caught On Camera! Janet Tarantino Near Death Experience – Bing video and personal communication, IANDS book club session April 15, 2021.
Suzanne Giesemann is a retired no-nonsense U.S. Navy Commander turned evidential medium. Her unexpected spiritual journey began with a visit from her deceased stepdaughter and led her to become a highly sought, tested and verified medium and channel. Her work has been recognized as highly credible by noted afterlife researchers and organizations.
In response to a question asked by noted long-time afterlife researcher Dr. Kenneth Ring, Suzanne channeled an answer given to her by her collective group of spirit guides, referred to as Sanaya. Dr. Ring wanted to know what life was like for those living in the afterlife.
The answer came in a one-hour channeled download to Suzanne. Most significantly, Sanaya responded that the afterlife is not a place but a state of consciousness. The rate of one’s vibration will determine at which level of the afterlife they will reside, though these states of existence blend together and are more like a spiral then demarcated levels.
Especially noteworthy are the limitations of individual manifesting, which must be relative to the ‘mass of human consciousness.’ Sanaya elucidates:
“If you have passed to the other side having achieved a level of consciousness that is relative to the mass of human consciousness…[one] will find themselves in this dreamlike place/state of walking, flying, eating, singing, studying, playing golf, living in houses, playing a musical instrument, and all of those other so-called human activities which you enjoy now.” (Giesemann, 2016)
Sanaya remarked that most human beings go to this level, having not done much to raise their consciousness during their time on Earth. It is a very earth-like realm except more “magical,” as many may have pictured an afterlife. For example, if one wants to skydive, a plane and parachute will immediately become available. No money or effort required. As always, it is thought that manifests our desires (Gieseman, 2016).
Other NDErs and STErs have painted the same picture. Carol Morgan’s son Mikey was a junior in college when he was killed in a car accident. Carol soon learned Mikey was an advanced being, as he immediately began sending her signs that he continued to exist. Mikey quickly revealed to Carol that they had a soul contract and he had to die early and before her so they could complete it. The contract was that Mikey would communicate to Carol that there is no death, as well as what the afterlife is like. (Morgan, C. & Morgan, M., 2015).
Mikey described the afterlife in much the same way as Sanaya, using levels to help others understand:
“There are seven categories or planes, with thousands of aspects or graduations within each, all based on differences in personal vibration, which is entirely based on love. The higher your vibration…the more glorious the dimensions you reside in… Try not to think of these planes as on top of one another or linear…they are all over the place…each one based on its own vibration.” (Morgan, C. & Morgan, M., 2015. Kindle for PC, loc. 757-765).
Mikey equates levels three through five to Earth, and calls these the “Summerlands,” where people mostly do what they did on earth, but primarily only the enjoyable things. Families get together and celebrate occasions as they did on Earth. Mikey said he spends much of his time here snowboarding on mountains higher than any on Earth. His description of the Summerlands are what we would imagine as a perfect Earth. (Morgan, C. & Morgan, M., 2015. Kindle for PC, loc. 789-1264).
It is worth mentioning that Dr. Eben Alexander, a noted neurosurgeon who had an deep and profound NDE, flew over this area as he went back and forth between what he termed, the core realm and the “earthworm’s eye view” (a state of just “being”). It was communicated to him that he was being given the “full tour” of the afterlife. He called this earth-like realm the “Gateway” and as he flew over it with his guide, he described a countryside, “green, lush, and earthlike. It was earth…but at the same time it wasn’t…. [There were] fields, streams and waterfalls…people sang and danced…sometimes I’d see a dog, running and jumping…full of joy as the people.” (Alexander, 2012; pp. 39, 69-70).
Sanaya communicated that one ‘graduates’ when they realize the body they inhabit in the first level has been thought into existence as much as the plane and parachute they manifested. Realizing they can fly without a plane, they achieve a higher level of consciousness as to who they are, and this way they raise their vibration and move to a higher level where they exist as light, though they can always still manifest anything they desire and visit the lower realms where souls who were family members on earth might still reside, or as in Mikey’s case, just to go snowboarding with old and new friends (Giesseman, 2016)..
Mikey relates that he is at level six where learning is the focus. He said he was concentrating at the time, on how vibrations affect beings and objects in different dimensions, as well as the power of thought and what it can create or destroy, which is infinite. He said he was doing energy work and showing others in lower realms how to send signs to those on the Earth plane. (Morgan, C. & Morgan, M., 2015. Kindle for PC, loc. 856).
Sanaya’s description aligns with Mikey’s. At this level beings ‘live’ in a state of gratitude and love, so much so that their main concern is to bring others to this level:
“You now want nothing more than to share that love with others and to help them rise to the level you have achieved. You realize that this is what “it” is all about — this experience of differentiated consciousness.” (Giesseman, 2016).
Dr. Galland received this message from his deceased son Christopher as well:
“Loving requires a kind of separation…. The universe is the fountainhead of otherness. The material world is not just a testing ground for souls on the road to eternity…. [It] is essential…Heaven reaps the harvest of Earth…. The infinite complexity of individual beingness is celebrated with a love of such shattering intensity that matter could never support its energy. (Galland, L., 2018 p. 80)
These three are not the only accounts describing levels of the afterlife and the power of our thoughts to manifest our desires. What these accounts clearly illustrate is that we manifest the broader realms of our existence based on our collective vibratory levels, and we can and do manifest our individual desires within those parameters. According to both Sanaya and Mikey, the very highest vibratory level is pure love and light where souls simply bask in being-ness. They can choose to “go out” and experience any other level again whenever they desire. (Giesseman, 2016), (Morgan, C. & Morgan, M., 2015).
The Earth realm is similar, accept those who come here know that the matter of the physical world, in particular the body, will dampen their vibration. There are souls of all vibratory levels on Earth, and some take on lifetimes for the sole purpose of helping others raise their vibrations while here. Earth is challenging, but it also offers one of the greatest opportunities for growth. I have heard Suzanne say more than once that Sanaya has said souls who come to Earth are considered the most courageous!
Sanaya summed up the channeling session by communicating:
“And so, consciousness creates your reality. What is your state of consciousness now? Then that will be your reality the moment you pass to the other side.” (Giesseman, 2016),
In the earth-like realms, as Mikey indicated, souls often continue to do what made them happy on Earth.
Andrea Courey co-wrote a book with her deceased daughter, Chloe, when information began flowing into Andrea’s awareness. Though Conversations with Chloe focuses on their mother-daughter relationship, Chloe did share some things about the afterlife that was not included in the book (Courey, 2017). When Andrea guest-authored at an IANDS Book Club meeting, she said Chloe had been an artist. Andrea asked her if she was painting in Heaven, and to Andrea’s surprise Chloe answered that she was involved in creating new types of flowers—far different than flower arranging, it was more an elevated form of painting (personal communication, not-in-print).
These kinds of unexpected answers alleviate the receiver’s doubt that they may have been creating thoughts themselves. I have experienced this as well many times. Wondering about a topic, and assuming what an answer might be, then receiving an answer unlike anything imagined. This is what happened when I received “Cartia Loca” which I shared earlier in this essay.
Mikey explained that those in the afterlife can telepathically convey thoughts to others, and often combine thoughts with actions to emphasize their presence. For instance, Mikey manipulates energy vibrations to have a particular radio station play based on the song lineup of that station. Then, he might put that song into the head of his mother right before she gets in the car and the radio comes on. Therefore, if his mother were “thinking” of Ziggy Marley’s song “Love is My Religion,” it would play as soon as she turns the ignition. Instead, Mikey might put the thought into a DJ’s head to play a particular song at a particular time. According to Mikey, there are numerous ways to get signs across, but all involve energy manipulation (Morgan, C. & Morgan, M., 2015).
Human beings create their realities both in the here-and-now and in the afterlife, with the power of collective and individual thoughts. It is our thoughts as well that draw us to one another across realms. When we exit one realm, our thoughts create our individual reality within the parameters of human consciousness and the varying planes at which humans vibrate. It is a trait inherited from primal consciousness, carried from generation to generation and realm-of-existence to realm-of-existence.
The Light
There is no doubt we are beings of light. But is this the same light of primordial consciousness which is generative, generational, the genesis of all existence, genuine and pure?
The overwhelming amount of NDE cases demonstrate that we are not only beings of light, but that we are The Light. Longtime noted NDE researcher P.M.H. Atwater communicated to me in a personal email that encounters with The Light are the second most predominate aspect of an NDE (OBEs being first).
Those NDErs who have merged with The Light commonly report an intense sense of love and belonging. There is a feeling of being home and a knowing of everything, including one’s eternal nature as an inseparable part of the whole.
“Each of us, as an individual sphere of aware light, then dwells in the sphere of universal communion, a unique fusion of soul and personality, understanding and memory. After the death of the body, the higher soul catapults back to the sphere of universal communion.”
-Anonymous, “Sphere of Universal Communion,”, accessed 7/7/2021
“Before me was a euphoric, eternal light… the sacred eternal light that was the highest vibration; it was connecting to the all. It was overwhelming when I recognized that a part of the light of my soul was a part of this vast, endless ray….”
-Jacob Cooper, LCSW Life After Breath
“It was full of love, of knowing…. It was my consciousness which was there as the consciousness of all eternity and all higher dimensional multiverses.”
-Eben Alexander, M.D., YouTube Interview, Guideposts, November 7, 2012, accessed July 7, 2021
“I now understood that there was no death—there just IS. I still had the Me that is self, yet I easily understood becoming a part of the All of existence… At the core of this feeling, knowing, and understanding was a great Love. Greater, brighter, than the heat of a million suns was the magnitude of its being… I saw that life never ends, it only moves on…we still carry self; we still exist in spirit. I became one with energy, the love, the light.”
-Deirdre DeWitt-Maltby, While I was Out
“It was a giant infinite world of calm, and love, and energy, and beauty… It was all being, all beauty, all meaning for all existence. It was all the energy of the Universe forever in one place.”
-Anonymous, “Boy Drowns in River” accessed 7/7/2021
The sheer number of those reporting the same phenomena of merging and knowing that we are The Light fall under the U.S. legal system’s “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard for eyewitness accounts. If science were to find ferroelectricy within the human body, the debate over the existence of a ‘soul’ would be an open and shut case.
Love and Loving
NDErs merging with The Light almost always express it as unconditional love—one so powerful and unlike anything experienced on Earth that our languages offer no way to truly encapsulate it.
Dr. Leo Galland’s dialog with deceased son Christopher provides insight as to why love spurred Singular Consciousness to individuate. Christopher explains that God is love. To express and then experience itself, this primal source required a “kind of separation.” Christopher says:
“It demands other-ness, because loving expresses a relationship between one being and another. There never was and never will be a time when God [Consciousness] exists alone, because [it] is loving and loving requires others… In Heaven, the infinite complexity of individual beingness is celebrated with a love of such shattering intensity that matter could never support its energy. That is the reason for Heaven.” (Galland, 2018). P. 80
When I first read this passage years ago, I errantly thought of primal consciousness in its singular state as a noun: Love. To then express itself, it individuated and became a verb: Loving. Re-reading this now however, I see that Love was always in motion, always a verb, always loving…meaning we have always all existed. Christopher said, “There never was and never will be a time when God exists alone…” The mere act of ‘being’ makes this movement so.
Because there is more than one love, Loving is the movement that is unites everything, including humans. Mikey Morgan’s explanation is the same:
“[There] is a Unity of Absolute Pure Love, which is infinite…. This Unity is The Source or Collective of all that exists…. We are all part of this Unity. The more loving we are, the more God-like we are…. at every level of reality, but [love is] most intense at the Celestial levels. Truly, the more love (higher vibration) or positive energy, the more God there is at that level or aspect. The more negative and lacking in love (lower vibration), the less.” (Morgan, C. & Morgan, M., 2015).
Sanaya supports this as well as the ‘merging with the Light’ describes…
“You are pure light. Now you circulate more freely
amongst those at the other levels…You may be seen as an orb or as an angel…Your
fellow lights know you by the particular glow or vibration of your light…What
do you do all day? You are. You love. By your very presence you raise the
consciousness of the whole… Your music is the vibration of love. It is all
around you…” (Giesemann, 2016).
Human love is the closest a physical brain and body can get toward understanding the pure, genuine love of consciousness. However, I was given a phrase that flowed from Singular Consciousness when I first began writing this piece and reviewing Dr. Lipton’s book Biology of Belief which I had read years earlier. The phrase I was given and the information to which it led clarifies the relationship of primal consciousness to the human being’s consciousness and body—from Singular to Multiple.
Phoning Home
Perhaps one of the most exciting things we will be able to do shortly is phone our loved ones in the spirit world! The Soul Phone project has been in the works for twelve years now, and is the brainchild of Gary E. Schwartz Ph.D., a senior professor at the University of Arizona where he manages the project in the university’s Laboratory for Advancements in Consciousness and Health .
In 2020, two thousand sessions concluded with substantial amounts of data produced as responses from “post-material collaborators” (PMCs, those who have passed through this realm) over the course of six experiments. The data was collected primarily by asking PMCs to provide yes or no responses by flipping a switch on a plasma globe system, which is not expected to be the final version of the soul phone. The results were so astonishing to Schwartz and project team members that they have confidently issued a two-part statement:
The totality of the replicated findings makes it very clear that:
- life continues after bodily death.
- postmaterial collaborators were able to generate accurate ‘yes / no’ responses during multiple Operator Skills, Cognitive Understanding, and Personal Identification tests.
Schwartz is a serious man of science. He served as assistant professor at Harvard University and was a key figure in the founding of Yale University’s field of behavioral medicine while serving as a tenured professor. His project team of engineers and software developers, educational advisors, and evidential medium advisors are highly-credentialed as well and include neurosurgeon and NDEr Dr. Eben Alexander; evidential medium Suzanne Giesemann, a retired U.S. Navy commander; and Dr. Raymond Moody, pioneer of NDE research—all three mentioned in this essay.
Of course, scientific method is closely followed, and research incorporates standard scientific requirements including control groups, blinded experimenter conditions, replication, multiple test centers, and more. Dr. Schwartz is a firm believer in one of Carl Sagan’s most famous proclamations, so much so that he wrote a book using it as the title, Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence. The book is due out soon.
The next anticipated final version of the soul phone will use electrical components. Dubbed the ESS, the ElectronicSoulSwitch will be keyboard enabled and allow for quicker communication. Currently, the PGS takes twenty-five minutes to set-up and utilize.
According to NDEr Nancy Rynes, as well as many other experiencers, spirits are adept at working with energy (footnote personal communication). This may make communicating using an electronic keyboard and other planned devices easier for those on the other side (eventually there will be a video soul phone).
Experiments with the ESS – that uses a form of more conventional detection technology used in industries – will be much more credible to scientists. Rapid and 99% reliable ‘yes / no’ answers will also be more impressive to those seeing demonstrations. Experiments using ESS will also involve much less time for the postmaterial collaborators. For example, past studies with the PGS required 8 hours of their presence for 24 days.
Dr. Schwartz not only has an earthly team, he has a group of collaborators on the other side. His post-material team (PMT) in spirit include include scientists, inventors, business persons, lay people and entertainers — some who would be recognizable to most. These are not all confirmed, but because of communication via the soul phone, Schwartz is quite certain who is helping bring the project to fruition from the other side.
Currently the teams work together in a variety of ways: Mediumship Validation, Information Validation, and Signs and Synchronicity Validations. The last of course is right up my alley. In working with mediums, double-blind standards are often in place, enabling up to ten mediums to separately validate information. Information provided by PMTs are also validated by following their instruction, usually resulting in the researcher finding what they were looking for. Finally, synchronicities. Readers should be well versed in what these truly are by now. The are purposeful communications via “surprises” that confirm or point researchers in the right directions.
There could be no more extraordinary piece of equipment at this exciting time in human evolution. Funding is needed to expedite the ESS so that
SoulPhone™ Project Updates – SoulPhone Foundation (
No matter the level at which we reside in the afterlife, we are continually striving toward growth. According to much anecdotal evidence brought back by NDErs, learning continues in the afterlife. However, it is the physical plane that offers the greatest opportunity for growth. Though the challenges of life are great—and for that we need no evidence!—they offer experiential situations in which we live the emotions we are working to master. Even as humans we grasp that theoretical instruction can never provide the deep, experiential knowing of hands-on learning. …And so we cycle back to Earth to have another go.
My Past Life Revealed
I know from personal experience that reincarnation is a truth of our existence, though I learned of a past life in a different way than others. A few weeks after my first two experiences, I was reading a book that had a chapter on reincarnation. I 100% did not believe in that. When I went to bed however, I asked the ‘universe’ if I had been reincarnated and if so, who had I been.
I fell into a deep sleep and near morning was abruptly awakened. I did not open my eyes, but my consciousness became fully aware. My attention was directed forward and to the left. I noticed a letter came forward from a white, misty background—a capital “A,” followed by a lowercase “b” next to it, then an “s.” I became aware that a word—a name!—was being spelled-out. I sounded it out in my mind as each new letter appeared. Whoever was giving me the name was making sure I had it right. I enunciated “Abs —” Another “a” came forward and I started over, “Absa —” Next came an “l,” then an “o” and an “m.”
As I finished pronouncing it, the scenario repeated, but this time a little quicker. I said the name more confidently, this time pronouncing it per syllable as the letters lined-up to form the name a second time: Ab-sa-lom. The scenario repeated a third time at yet a quicker pace. It flowed fluently in my awareness now and I pronounced it perfectly: Absalom. As the final “m” moved into place I noticed the letters were coming from a paragraph located at the top right-hand corner page of a Bible. With that, my eyes flew open, and I bolted upright in bed. I realized without a doubt I had just received an answer. I was dumbfounded.
Heart pounding, I threw the quilt off, jumped onto the floor and opened the bottom drawer of my nightstand to withdraw the untouched Bible my stepmother had given me years before. It still had wrapping paper tape on the back of it. To my amazement, I opened the Bible to the exact page that displayed Absalom’s name as I had seen it positioned, top right-hand corner! I had simply parted the book with my thumbs and there it was—no flipping or turning of pages whatsoever. I was stunned.
Grateful for the answer, I argued that I could not have been this person who killed his brother and tried to usurp his father’s kingdom. I received confirmation three times in three just as stunning ways, that yes I had lived a past life as Absalom.
It was not until I researched further that I understood that reincarnation and suffering are for our soul’s growth. I have heard others argue that our lives are purely for experience. But what is experience if not learning?
Seminal Work
As eternal beings the duration of any one lifetime is short. Considering the activity of our individuated consciousness (soul) is to increase vibration to move to higher realms of existence, than reincarnation makes sense. There is overwhelming evidence to support it as well.
Walter Semikew, M.D. imagines the Higher Self/Soul as a bubble with lots of smaller bubbles contained within it. When we reincarnate, one of those bubbles is released to have an experience for a while before returning back to the main bubble. One way to image how the personality is preserved is to see ourselves as a bubble from which smaller bubbles of consciousness emerge. When we incarnate, our bubble is expressed from Source Conciouness. Our bubble contains our soul’s energies and qualities. After our incarnation is completed, the soul reabsorbs the bubble that is us and retains our bubble within itself forever. We are part of our soul, but we retain our individuality developed during our life on Earth Reincarnation Research, accessed 6/5/2021.
In many cases people have spontaneous past life recall. Emily Rodavich, a retired high school English teacher, was lying in bed observing from her window the pre-dawn sky. Suddenly she saw herself in a small upper room of what she knew to be a palace in Siam. She was locked in the room waiting for the elderly “hand trainer” hired to help perfect her hand movements for dance—especially important for daughters of nobility. The girl anguished, as the instructor always painfully hit her hands with a stick. That is all Emily saw before she was zapped back into present time. Analyzing her past life, Emily knew her constant problems with her hands—breakouts from allergies, and arthritis—in her current life were due to her past life in Thailand (Rodavich, 2016).
An article by Walter Semikew, M.D. highlights the seminal work of Dr. Ian Stevenson, carried out over forty-years between 1961 and his death in 2007, and continued by Jim Tucker, M.D. at the University of Virginia Reincarnation Research. Stevenson has been called the “Galileo of Reincarnation” and at age 39 became head of the Psychiatry Department at the University of Virginia School of Medicine.
Dr. Stevenson compiled over 2,500 cases of children who remembered past lives. He concentrated on children from Asia, India, and other countries where reincarnation is an accepted belief, reasoning parents of western children would inhibit talk of a past life. Dr. Semikew applauds Dr. Stevenson’s applied rigorous scientific protocol, using multiple eye-witnesses to corroborate testimony Reincarnation Research, accessed 6/4/2021 and weighing explanations against all possibilities in a systematic manner A Matter of Death & Life (Shroder) — Carol Bowman, Past Life Therapy, accessed 8/5/2021.
The research found that in 66% of cases a violent death occurred. In 35% of those cases, the child related a phobia associated with the past life death. For instance, a past life drowning may have led to a fear of water/swimming in the current life. Additionally, all cases where injury was associated with death, a scar or birthmark appeared at the trauma location in the current life Reincarnation Research, accessed 6/4/2021. Considering Rodavich’s case, it seems physical ailments can carry over whether associated with death or not (it is unlikely Emily died from hand injuries in her past life).
Resemblance is also a fascinating factor. In cases where photos were available, Dr. Stevenson noted that facial features from lifetime to lifetime were similar. Though children particularly change through the years, there are many other cases that present this characteristic Reincarnation Research, accessed 6/4/2021.
James Leininger’s case is a popular one. As a little boy James remembered dying in World War II when he had nightmares about trying to escape his burning plane. He was obsessed with planes and knew mechanical information about them that no boy his age could know. He knew the name of the carrier ship for his plane, the Natoma. His past life sister whom the family tracked down, confirmed over a dozen pieces of information James relayed about their family, things he could not have known. He met surviving buddies of the man he had been, James Huston. He correctly identified one by his voice only. The aging men all agreed emphatically that little James looked like James Huston. Based on pictures of Huston, he and little James have the same face shape, cheekbones, jawline, and nose. Dr. Stevenson has pointed out that bone structure is that which mostly remains similar from lifetime to lifetime. With both James’, hair and eye color were the same as well. This case can be accessed at Reincarnation Research, accessed 6/4/2021.
Dr. Semikew believes physical resemblances to past life personas occur due to an energy template which downloads DNA for physical appearance and talents. Genetics do play a part, and he believes the soul’s energy template interacts with genetic inheritance from parents to create the incarnation.
Once again, I believe ferroelectricity needs to be investigated. It just may be the energy that accounts for the energy template Dr. Semikew hypothesizes. The fascinating characteristics of ferroelectric energy is that it holds shape and retains memory.
The list of commonalities from Dr. Stevenson’s study include:
- Early communication (age 3 to 7.5 years) of a past life – Insistence on a different name, family, house, village, etc.
- Remembers death – Recalls how they died.
- Identification of past life family – Recognition of past life family members and relationships in past life (whether one was the mother or an aunt, etc.); Memory of family secrets verified by past life family; Long-lasting bonds formed with past life family; Current life family worries bonds with past life family will cause difficulties (unfounded).
- Similar Personality – Likes, dislikes, mannerisms, habits generally the same in both incarnations.
- Same Gender – In 90% of cases, gender was the same from lifetime to lifetime.
- Similar Physical Appearance – Of the cases where photos were available, facial features were similar.
- Relationships Renewed – In a sub-study involving 31 pairs of twins, 100% were shown to have had close relationships in a past life, strengthening the case for soul contracts.
- Memory of time in-between lives – 20% of cases remember the interval in the spirit world between lifetimes.
Erasing Doubt
A year after my main STEs had happened, I was reading a book on reincarnation one night in which the author wrote that we have all lived thousands of lives. I went to bed that night and casually asked how many times I had lived. In the morning, I was nudged awake. I turned over in bed and lifted my chin upward to see sunlight flooding onto the wall. I was fully awake when a voice behind my left ear said, “There are seven in the ground.”
My heart leapt, as I feared I would never again have anything close to my earlier experiences. Once you have them, you crave them. No surprise then that hearing a disembodied voice did not scare me. I was delighted to still be in communication. I smiled and basked in the sunlight. I had no response.
Later that day, I mulled over the answer. Based on my evening’s reading, had my egoistic brain returned an answer, it would have been a number in the thousands just as the book I was reading suggested. But it was not my own brain conjuring something up. The answer was prophetic and precise. Knowing I would have questioned whether the number included my current life, the answer made it clear that I am living my eighth life, at least here on Earth.
Blood Lines
Several years before my experiences, my father requested an Ancestry kit for Christmas. I got him one and received a free one for myself. I was surprised when my results showed I had a significant amount of Ashkenazic Jewish DNA in my blood. Nobody in my family is Jewish…but Absalom certainly was! He was the third son of King David, of Biblical lore. He hailed from Israel and lived most of his life in Jerusalem. My mother was second generation Italian-American. She came from the same part of the world as Absalom. It is possible my past-life Jewish bloodline crossed with my mother’s family’s bloodline. If so, than I am still within the bloodline of my past life persona.
Christian Haupt is the living reincarnation of Lou Gehrig. If you read his mother’s book, you will agree Boyd). Christian was a baseball prodigy by age three, though no one in his family played baseball. His dad is German where baseball is not a tradition. His mom, Cathy Byrd, knew something was up when Christian began talking about a time when he was a ‘tall baseball player.’ There was the time he saw a poster of Babe Ruth and began crying, shouting “He’s mean to me. (45-51)” Gehrig and Ruth had a contentious relationship. Christopher talked about his old house having fire in the lamps. In Gehrig’s day (the 1940s), gas lamps lit homes. Christian is the spitting image of Gehrig. Even though he is a child the resemblance is uncanny. There is much more to be found in Cathy’s book, including her past life regression session that led her to know she is the reincarnation of Lou Gehrig’s mother, Christina. Cathy, under hypnosis, saw herself in her past life as Christina. She remembered that her and Christian/Lou agreed to come back together. AND PERSONAL COMMUNICATION
Cathy Byrd was a guest of the IANDS Book Club. I asked her about bloodlines, DNA, and whether it was a coincidence that Lou’s mother was named Christina, and Lou in the current life is named Christian. She thinks it is a hint, meant to remind her and help bring forth this story. More convincing, Christian’s father is from the same exact town in Germany as was Christina, Lou’s mother. This is far too coincidental to mean nothing.
I have a strong sense that we incarnate into the same family line. It may be a greatly dispersed line, but there may be a reason for it. In this case, what would it mean for ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis a.k.a. Lou Gehrig’s Disease) research? Could we find something in Christian Haupt’s DNA that would help cure ALS? For so many reasons it makes sense for scientists to partner with organizations like 23&Me. Their database is huge and contains genetic information. I am surprised this has not already been done. Time is being wasted, as there could be questions informing reincarnation studies included in 23&Me activities right now.
There are countless cases of reincarnation and associated research available for public perusal. It is all amazing and the scope wide. What we know today is that reincarnation is not necessarily linear, one lifetime after another. There is “split incarnations,” multiple lifetimes at the same time and even in the same location. Reincarnation Research, accessed 6/4/2021.
Where do we go from here?
Humanity has taken a huge leap in evolution. There is no reason for anyone to be kept in the dark. The more evidence the public receives, the quicker we can change our lives and society for the better. That means support of the sciences and metaphysical organizations bringing forth evidence. There is much to be done. Several items presented in this essay require attention:
- Consciousness Oscillation Theory
- Ferroelectricity as the energy of consciousness
- Reincarnation genetics in partnership with 23&Me or similar organizations
Homo Deus
In his million-copy bestseller Homo Deus, Yuval Noah Harari explores the grim possibilities of humanity’s future based on historic observation and trends (Harari, 2015). He first counters the currently much-feared overthrow by A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) with the superhuman species “Homo Deus,” a Silicon Valley hybrid human as good as any supercomputer. It certainly is possible even today with genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and brain-computer interface. Harari rightly backs down from this scenario saying science knows too little about the mind to make this a reality. This essay shows that to be true—traditional science knows far too little about consciousness. Additionally, there are spiritually-minded folk readying for battle if A.I. reared its head too high (Skingularity | William Henry, accessed 7/28/2021).
After a few more imagined gloomy scenarios, Harari targets “Dataism” as the future of mankind. We ultimately get phased out as unneeded and unwanted data. Dataism seems to be the scenario voted most likely to succeed by futurists naysayers. In this view, data will become so huge, monstrous, and unmanageable an internet-of-all-things will be created. Eventually humans will become nothing more than numbers. Because Dataism rejects human experience as sacred, humans will be parsed out of existence. Data will show the ‘market’ as better off without humanity. Data for data’s sake is the result, and anything that processes it best, wins.
Do not allow these grim predictions of the future to terrorize you.
Earth 2.0
Chopra and Kafatos predicted a future based on pure thinking (18). We are getting there fast. Whoever dreamed we would discover matter is an illusion and consciousness the core of human identity? Pure thinking has been a theme running throughout this essay. In its infancy we see it as synchronicity, though now you know it to be much more, a synching with Singular Consciousness.
What might Earth and its inhabitants be like when we know for certain we are eternal consciousness?
Through pure thinking, truth is known to all making it possible to live in cooperation rather than competition. We will realize we exist only in relation to each other. We are inseparable. Relationships therefore—between individuals, groups, societies, and countries—will become harmonious. Empathy, tolerance, and compassion will preside over our hearts. From our perspective in 2020 this may seem beyond reach, but it is in fact our destiny.
I invite you to close your eyes and reflect on the information provided. Ask that it be confirmed, or that anything not understood be clarified. Breathe and relax. You might ask this casually over the next day or two if answers do not come immediately. Stay alert, however. Synchronicities will come your way.
For now, take heart that passing away is no longer an option as a way to think about life and death. We are eternal beings passing through the human experience on our way to ever-more grand adventures.